External Listings

edited October 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I have a closed vanilla forum, and I want to add a list of the most recently updated discussions on my front page. Just a little list of links and the time when they were updated.

Is there a nice built-in vanilla function to do something like this?


  • If there's not then I'd sure like there to be an extension for this.
  • ben - is your homepage on the same box as your forum? On the basis it is, all you need to do is grab the last X discussions from your database and format them however you want. It has been done before if you search around you should be able to find the code to do almost exactly what you want. Vanilla doesnt have a function *as such* but it does have all the database accessing classes which i believe make it better to grab the data in a slightly friendlier way. I could be wrong. A search should definately come up trumps though...
  • Yep, the homepage is in the root directory and the forum's just in a folder called vanilla.
    I'll go and have a search...
This discussion has been closed.