No categories of pages

edited October 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I allways wondered why no one ever made this. Instead of haveing a whole bunch of pages of different categories to break up a forum, it could use one page and have icons or words that are the categories of the subject and then they could be live filtered through at the top via a button. That way you can see all sorts of posts you might not see or just quickly filter out lots as well


  • So basically what you're proposing is that we have a series of tabs at the top of the 'all discussions' page which filters the categories asif we'd gone onto the categories tab and selected one?
  • i have wondered why people bother seperateing discussions into categories. a need to feel clean?
  • helps with searching... think about searching an entire forum of 10k posts, or just a category of say 2k posts.
  • so when most people only post in the first category anyway, the information will still be buried under a bunch of other stuff.
  • i think categories are considerably more useful in help sites for faq's and such - for communities i much prefer the discussions view as you get a general idea whats going on round here. tripdragon - i dont entirely disagree with your idea, but are you aware that you can click the category name in small print under a discussion and it will filter down to that category? Not quite what you want, but if a category is common chances are there will be a link to it somewhere within easy reach. Are you any good with php?
  • I like the categories. As it is right now I have the Filebrowser and Beta testing category blocked. I dont use FB, and I really dont want my screen cluttered with all the FB posts, that I will never read. Categories are usefull. Say i want to dig around in some style/theme posts. Do I really want to sit and dig through every single forum post? No, click on Vanilla Styles, and bam, all the style posts are right there. I think he wants what mini said. some links at the top to filter the categories. Instead of clicking the category tab (or the category on the post). That would be an easy extension. Just make some new tabs fot the categories. That would work wouldnt it? Unless you have like 18 categories, lol. Maybe when you mouseover the Categories tab a menu pops down to select the category you want.
  • yeah krak, adding new tabs would work, i was thinking more as a second row or something instead of having a whole load of proper tabs up top. Maybe something in the control panel. Hmm... Your mouseover idea is cool, if someone can make it.
  • In the global application settings, you can disable the view of categories.
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