Starting duscussions without "announcement" on the welcome page

edited August 2009 in Vanilla 1.0 Help

I installed Vanilla 1 a few days ago, because it sounds like the best-fitting program for my imagined site.
My Problem:
I have about 300 users an 3 admins. I want the welcome page to become a "news page". So if the admins open a discussion, it should be shown - as normal - on the welcome page as "new amazing information, wow!!!". If some "normal" user starts a discussion, it shouldn't be displayed on welcome page, it shoud be just in categories.
Is this realizable in in Vanilla 1?
kind regards


PS: Another question: Is it possible to create a category IN a category?
PPS: Is there an add-on to constrain some users in a group to create an discussion in an special category?
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