Hiding 'welcome, guest' section

edited October 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hey all again. i've fallen in love with vanilla to such an extent i'm trying to use it for everything, even work. i work at a school and we are creating a 'tech support' forum (in a way) for the staff when they have problems with the network, etc. however, we want it so that the admins can post and thats it. users won't be able to register, let alone post, so that in a way it will be just a database of tutorials/latest posts concerning the networks status etc. its all going great, apart from i'm not sure how to hide the 'welcome, guest' section, which allows members to sign in or register. we want to hide that completely if possible, or just take out the links that allow the guest to register/login. thanks for any help :)


  • You're using php in a school? Not paying ridiculous MS licences and wasting your budget? But why?! Hold one one sec..You have a site at school?? Thats interactive?? *goes to lie down. Which school do you work at? The easiest way i can think of is to just blank the defintions in the English.php file - GuestWelcomeTitle and GuestWelcomeBody but thats a messy way of doing it. Lemme dig through the files and see where its actually referenced.
  • Cheers mini, got it working. just edited the english.php and works fine.
  • fair enough.
  • btw, can we donate to this lovely man mark? :P he deserves it afterall, for creating this awesome forum.
  • www.lussumo.com/donate enough for you?
  • dont ask me why that didnt autolink o_O
  • edited October 2005
    If you don't want to edit the php file, you could just add

    div.CommentPanel { display:none; }
    to the bottom of the stylesheet you're using.
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