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Whos Online Plugin

edited August 2009 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
this was my first plugin for vanilla 2 to start off. Let me know if it works, what you would want to change and any other feedback.
Its probably not the best coding job in the world, had to go through a lot of new code such as forms and validation.

I dislike the way that there is no author linking on the addons site, so i would get no credit for my work.
Also the addons site appears to be untested, there are errors on uploading a new version. There is serious usability flaws
such as on the page to upload a new addon i think it should redirect you back to your listing or at least have a link back.

There is no way to keep track of your addons, such as new comments, list plugins in profile. I don't think that you should have to update the testing on every new version you upload. The ability to sell addons would be nice, so have a link to the shop instead of a download link maybe in future.

I think that the addons site needs to be "beefed" up a bit. Its lacking a lot of options, filtering, categories, summary pages, (xml statistics), i don't have permission to add an icon to my own addon or upload a screenshot.


  • SS ✭✭
    1. Structure. Add primary key on UserID field.

    2. DiscussionsController_Render_Before, DiscussionController_Render_Before, CategoriesController_Render_Before are sameness in body.
    Try this way:
    public function Base_Render_Before(&$Sender) { if( !In_Array($Sender->ControllerName, array('categoriescontroller', 'discussioncontroller', 'discussionscontroller'))) return; $ConfigItem = Gdn::Config('WhosOnline.Location.Show', 'every'); // ....

    3. For any not logged-in users $Session->UserID = 0, but WhosOnlineModule::GetData() ($SQL->Replace) is called every time in *_Render_Before.

    4. Dislike this construction:
    $Parts = explode("/", Gdn_Url::Request());
    Maybe better to check this vars $Sender->ControllerName, $Sender->ApplicationFolder ?
  • edited August 2009
    Thanks for the advice, i never knew that the ControllerName existed. Will mean i can do more things with the plugin.

    I have integrated the changes that you have stated, thanks very much. You seem to know a lot about vanilla 2. I'm still slowly working my way through the codebase. Should have a more interesting plugin soon.
  • Any word from Mark regarding my comments about the addons site?
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Heya - yes, there are still problems with the site that we're working on. I really want to open-source the entire site, actually. So you guys can make it function however you want without me bottle-necking the process. Thoughts?
  • edited August 2009
    Sounds like a good idea, i mean i'm sure there will be lots of people prepared to add to it. Me included. Obviously maybe with some credit and review code by a higher power (you). I can think of several things that would be nice to see, such as credit to authors, stats type pages (profile overviews of plugins). A better way of keeping track of addon bugs and comments, especially if you were to have several plugins. And some sort of developer network maybe.
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