Thumbnail problem: "Preview not available"

edited December 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Now I have tested the filebrowser on three different servers, and I can not get my pictures thumbnailed. All 3 servers I've tried with have the GD and PHP req's fulfilled. I set all the involved folder to chmod 777 to make sure they were writable. Have you had trouble making Filebrowser generate thumbs?


  • this might sound a little silly, but have you actually run the thumbnailer.php? People have come here in the past and not done and then kicked themselves. It doesnt really make itself too obvious though in fairness. If you have run the thumbnailer, is it giving any errors? is it listing the directories properly and then just not thumbnailing the selection? Can you make a phpinfo(); available for us to check out any reasons it might not be working?
  • edited October 2005

    Oh, I am baffled.

    As I ran the thumbnailer.php - thanks very much for the suggestion - I understood that this was not an automatic procedure. I was to pick the files to thumbnail myself.

    With the "_thumb." prefix in place, would it not be a simple procedure to add automatic thumbnailing to the application?

    Let me rephrase that: Why wasn't auto-thumbnailing done? (Are there performance reasons? Perhaps the designers of the application did not think of it.)

    1. list the files that match the pattern "thumbnailable"
    2. list the files that match the pattern Thumb-prefix.
    3. remove the already thumbnailed images from "list 1" by filename comparison.
    4. Thumbnails the files in "list 1"

    This leads us to add a new feature: "Regenerate thumbnails", as per thumbnailer.php now.

  • if i remember correctly, there are some .jpg files that just cant be thumbnailed because of a particular program you used to save them eg paint. for some reason, it just wont allow you to thumbnail them :(

    someone correct me if im wrong
  • nag, I ran the thumbnailer.php and I understood at last that this was a manual procedure. Now it works as it should. I just need to a) make it automatic, or b) hack up my own filebrowser for my own needs.
  • Its not automatic cause it's not automatic. That's just the way it is. Some people dont want thumbnails for all their photos (and it does take time to make the thumbnails) so it would be silly to force people to do it. Its hardly a huge extra step now to make it thumbnail. If you need it automatic, i'm pretty sure you could reasonably easily hack the two files together to get it to thumbnail any files which arent currently done. (certainly much easier than writing your own)
  • what two files would be hacked together? i'd like to do this, but i'm sorta new to filebrowser.
  • I think he means putting some of the thumbnailer code in the gallery file.
  • Yeah. Just running a check each time it loads a file to check for _thumb.filename and if it doesnt exist then to run it through the thumbnailer. That's probably easier said than done but it shouldnt be *that* hard.
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