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Migrate addons from Vanilla 1 to Vanilla2

edited August 2009 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
How difficult could be migrate addons from Vanilla 1 to Vanilla2?


  • any idea about this, Im thinking of paying a freelancer for do it with 2 o 3 addons, but I need know if this is possible or not.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    edited August 2009
    Vanilla 2 has an importer that is a little clunky at the moment. We're working on improving it before we make the official beta release. If you wanted to give it a shot, here's how you'd do it.

    1. Back up all of your Vanilla 1 files and your Vanilla 1 database!

    2. Install Vanilla 2 (you can get it from GitHub) into the SAME database as your Vanilla 1 installation. Don't worry about overwriting anything, Vanilla 2 uses completely different tables.

    3. After it has been successfully installed, navigate to the import controller in garden by typing this into your url:

    4. Follow the instructions and run the import.

    The import can take quite a bit of time. If you find that you get the spinner of death that just keeps going forever, you've run into some kind of problem, and you should roll back to your Vanilla 1 install. It's entirely possible that this might happen to you since the importer still needs a lot of testing.
  • Thanks but that is not my question Mark. I don´t have a Vanila1 community jet, but I love Vanilla 2 and I wanna migrate a success website comunity on it. But I need some Vanila 1 Addons and wanna know How difficult could be made Vanilla1 Addons working on Vanilla2?

    I think a guide to convert Vanila1 Addons into Vanila2 could be a great recourse for the community growth
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    The new plugin framework is totally different from the old one, so we have to look at each add-on on a case-by-case basis. Which addons in particular are you interested in getting converted?

    Incidentally, I've contacted a bunch of the v1 addon authors about getting them ported to Vanilla 2, already.
  • The Addon necessary for my project is "Community Moderation 1.3" .

    I also need develop another 2 addons. My idea is find a freelancer and then, when I launch the site, share the addons here..
  • If you list the other addons or better yet message me via conversations (inbox) then i will take a look at what i can do. I can be hired as a freelancer. I have written the whos online plugin for vanilla 2 and have been looking at the framework. I admit I cannot promise anything as vanilla is not complete and im new to vanilla 2 like most people. However i now have some experience and have been using codeigniter for a long time which has the same concept (i know mark used a fair few ideas from it).
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Right on, Immersion! If you need any help, feel free to email me :)
  • I have created a couple of add-ons but have been absent on the support forum for a long time. If anyone finds the need for one of my add-ons to be updated for Vanilla 2, please contact me and I will do my best.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    @jimw - you definitely should. If you need a hand getting them ported over, don't hesitate to drop me a line.
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