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How stable is Garden?

edited August 2009 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
I just kind of want some light shed here.. I'm trying to decide which MVC framework to go with (for dozens and hopefully hundreds of projects in the future) and I pretty much have them all filtered down to either Garden, or Kohana. I understand that Vanilla is Beta, but is Garden stable? This line from the docs suggests so: " after Garden was stable..." but I figured it's better to double check.

Is Garden stable enough to start developing themes / applications on? Is it stable enough to run on a production side? I don't think the current documentation is clear enough on the difference in stability between Vanilla and Garden. I'm thinking I'd rather use Garden because it's more "out of the box" than Kohana.. Meaning the dashboard, users, roles, etc are already all taken care of.. but if it's not stable enough right now, I'm afraid I'll have to go elsewhere until then.

Thanks ahead of time.


  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    We've been using it to develop all of our internal apps for the last three months, and it's been great for us.

    That being said, as you mentioend, we still have a lot of work to do with regards to documentation. I know that some of the other community members who have been working with it have had a hard time creating apps and plugins because of this. Hopefully we'll find time to flush out the docs this week, but I thought the same thing last week :(

    Also, we do believe it is stable, but it is a new dev platform and so bugs will be found. So be prepared to implement patches and fixes we issues are discovered.

    I will say that if you want to use Garden, I'm here to answer any questions you have. You can feel free to email me: mark at vanillaforums dot com.
  • @Mark - Thanks for the response and offer for help. I've read through the documentation and everything that is there I'm really digging a lot. Where it's lacking is obviously important, but it's nothing that would hold me back. I think that existing applications (Vanilla / Conversations) are a better way to learn anyways, as documentation only goes so far.

    I love the way the master views work, this is almost exactly how I was setting up my Kohana install and this is right out of the box. Pretty impressive work. :) If I run into anything, I'll take you up on your help offer. :) Thanks again.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    No problem!

    I'm looking forward to hearing about your experiences with it, and definitely seeing what you create with it!
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