SEO problem

edited August 2009 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
i only wanna advise about the problem (in SEO terms) of using AJAX pagination. I agree in that is cool, but is not so great for get a optimal web presence on search enginers .

Google bot and others don´t follow AJAX links, so they could think that old post are deleted for our forums or erase our post from their index.

Please considering add a site-map or something similar feature for a correct inclusion on searchenginer.


  • Auto generating one of these would be awesome ;)
  • SS ✭✭
    edited August 2009
    @alexdc. It is not problem. Because robots doesn't have enabled Javascript =)
    Check this: If you have no javascript (or it is disabled), after click on "more" link your browser follow to new page in tradional way
  • However creating a sitemap plugin may not be such a bad idea anyways. Create a sitemap of existing content upon install and then update when new content is added.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    We use jquery to do all of the fancy ajax stuff, and as S mentioned, if you turn javascript off, everything works as it should with postback magic.

    I have written the pager so that it can be switched out with a more traditional one. I imagine someone will write it eventually - but for now we're rolling this way :)
  • Great. thanks @S and @mark for keep it on mind.
  • RajRaj
    edited January 2011
    sitemaps 0.9.1 not working.

    Installed it and posted a few new discussions, but still no sitemap was generated unfortunately. There is folder in cache/sitemap but there is no sitemaps

    Any one using sitemap addons help please......... Thanks in Advance......
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