Can anyone spin a pen[cil] round their thumb?

edited October 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help (yes i am on googles 'how to of the day') - either i'm reading the instructions wrong or theyre wrong/its impossible.


  • It's pretty simple actually. You just need to spin it long enough until you get the hang of it.
  • but i dont get how they make sense. Whichever way i spin it my index finger gets completely in the way?
  • Well clearly you need to break the bones in your index finger or snap it off completely.

    I too am useless at this.
  • I can actually...been doing it since HS (mid-90's). We had a Korean algebra teacher that was the MASTER at it. He told us if we could demonstrate it by the end of the second semester, we got extra-credit. lol... It just takes lots and lots of practice. BUT beware...once you figure it out, its highly addicting. I cannot hold a pen/pencil in my hands w/o doing it. Drives others crazy. Good luck!
  • can you give any better instructions uberwerks?
  • Well you'll have to make your fingers more agile. Learn how to control your fingers during the spin.
  • yeah i can do it... there's also that crazy sick video of those dudes doing it to some mad 80's prog rock too.
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