Installation Error

edited October 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I have installed Vanilla on a server running PHP 4.4.0 and MySQL 4.0.25. I have all permissions set correctly and the database info is correct (triple checked all this - ran the installation twice to be sure). When i try to go to the forum, I get this error: A fatal, non-recoverable error has occurred Technical information (for support personel): Error Message: The connection to the database failed. Affected Elements: Database.OpenConnection(); Database queries run prior to error Any ideas? Thanks


  • did you use the automatic installer.php or a manual setup? if you used the installer, did it run through glitch free?
  • Yes, I used the installer.php file and everything went fine. The only error I got was when I tried to go to index.php or signin.php (after installation).
  • Have you been into the database and checked that it all looks complete? Can you paste the related parts of your appg/settings.php file (with your password blanked) for us to quadruple check it all looks ok?
  • yeah, the database was created successfully. 18 tables in it. Here are my settings: // Database Settings define("dbHOST", "localhost"); define("dbNAME", "fbcbhmo_forum"); define("dbUSER", "fbcbhmo_forum"); define("dbPASSWORD", "*********"); // Path Settings define("agAPPLICATION_PATH", "/home/fbcbhmo/public_html/forum/"); define("sgLIBRARY", agAPPLICATION_PATH."library/"); define("agEXTENSIONS", agAPPLICATION_PATH."extensions/"); define("agLANGUAGES", agAPPLICATION_PATH."languages/"); Here is the URL to the forum:
  • Hmm.. that really is rather odd. Have you tried re-uploading the files (except your appg folder) incase some of them got garbled on the way up?
  • Yeah, just re-upped everything and still nothing.
  • hmm. thats rather baffling. Just try uploading a php file containing <? $db = mysql_connect ("localhost", "fbcbhmo_forum", "password") or die ('I cannot connect to the database because: ' . mysql_error()); ?> and browse to it - see if it errors.
  • Interesting. Must have been a problem with that username. Created a new one and it worked like a champ. Thanks!
  • um...ok. How very odd. Glad its working anyway!
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