Get the forum to be in centre

edited October 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hallo Lussumo! Great scripts! I am working on a CMS design gallery site. And I am going to use Vanilla as the forum, but I have some problems whit the style, I had made the forum width 750px, but how do I center the forum? Lock at it her: . I am not god at css yet. Sorry for my English it is bad.


  • edited October 2005
    Well, I can see that you have a wrap tag there called sitecontainer, all you have to do is center the sitecontainer with proper CSS and voila.

    You could use the simple CSS solution like this:
    /* SiteContainer: A div that encloses the entire application - allowing for borders and special padding. */ .SiteContainer { padding-bottom: 20px; width:750px; margin: 16px auto; }

    There was a margin-top: 16px; defined there so I included it in to the margin tag, pretty idiotically but meh.
  • Great! Thanks! I vill lok at it! I have a menu i want to put in the top of the site, in witch file do i do that?
  • And how do i get the copyrigth and the footer links centert too?
  • Niklas, remove the JoshuaInk header, it belongs to someone else.
  • Yeah, the header image is made by Denis Radenkovic of for John Oxtons
  • The header is not finish and it will be the winner of the first month for best design for a CMS, it will change ones a month. The header will be 200px height. See the design hear: I would never stile a design! I am a dissent designer but I know it locks bad:-D
  • enybody how can help?
  • No body?
  • niklas, you'll need to define each container and center them accordingly with CSS like you did with the main body. Each one will have to be centered on their own like described above.
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