Another style in progress thread

gigingergiginger New
edited October 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I'm working on my style and I was hoping to get some feedback before I went too far.

It's a very simple style with most changes being colour. The main bulk of it is done but it's the text colours that need changing and maybe the actual font.

Please let me know what you think. Any sort of criticism is welcome :)

Thanks in advance.

rar for those who like rar.

zip for those who like zip.


  • Interesting. Its different, I'll give ya that. I feel like I'm about to read a newspaper article or something.
  • Hahaha, choice comment :)

    Now that you've said it.....
  • Any chance of a link to it in action?
  • gigingergiginger New
    edited October 2005
    this should do it :)

    You should be able to post.

    Sign in as guest with the password guess :)


    I haven't done the signin page yet but it's on the cards. Then I'll work through the rest :D
  • Hmm. I quite like it. It's a bit different to most i've seen. Couple of niggles but i'm sure you'll sort them out as it gets finished. Good work :) Dont forget to add it to the wiki when youre done.
  • Thanks for the comments. I'm looking forward to adding it actually :)
  • The username and password don't work for me.
  • That's because of my bad typing. I should've put
    username: guest
    password: guest

  • BenBen
    edited October 2005
    I guessed you meant that, and it still didn't work.

    Edit: Ok... does now.
  • Glad it does now. I checked and double checked :)
  • I don't like all the dotted lines. And I think the header text for the sidebar should be black, not red. It looks like it should be clickable when it isn't. Also, I like the hover state for the tabs, but it's not connected to the active and inactive states. Maybe you should change them so they're all similar?
  • I was changing those dotted lines to solid and back at many points throught the weekend. Part of me likes them but another part doesn't.
    The header text is on my list to change. I've been trying various colours so it's not all black text. I agree about the redness. Looks horrible.

    I'm not sure what you mean about the tabs though.
    Do you mean that hovering over them should make them appear like the active one or am I completely misunderstanding you.

    I appreciate this feedback. I've never "styled" a messageboard before so I'm still learning as such.
  • I mean, in my opinion of course, the hover state for the tab shouldn't be wildy different, only subtly so. At the moment the active, hover and inactive states are all quite different.
    See the default vanilla style. The active one is white which blends with the page it shows. The inactive one is a blue that matches the background of the header and the hover is a slightly different colour to the inactive state.

    And those lines, maybe change them to a solid brown, rather than black?
  • I understand you now. That's a very good point. I'll do that line change too. That's a fantastic idea with regards to changing the line colour too. I hadn't even considered that. Thanks.
  • colours aren't to bad, but i don't like the dotted lines. agreed about the navigation buttons, the difference should definately be more subtle.
  • I really like the tab that allows me to hide and reveal the control panel section. But that tab is a tad too close to the "Page Number" display. Probably a bit of margin or padding would do. The "red" colored links don't flow with the rest of the color scheme. Perhaps neutral tones will blend in better with browns.
  • Thanks for looking :)

    Those dotted lines are definitely going then.

    The red is part of the aforementioned text stuff that needs changing :)

    rayfx: I see what you mean. I'll have a play.
  • Hmmm, any online test cases I can load this into Vanilla here without downloading the zip/rar files?
  • Sure thing:

    this should do it :)

    Username: guest
    Password: guest
  • /me slaps lech with some reading glasses. :P
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