Helpful Coloring

KrakKrak New
edited November 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I don't know how many of you are aware of the site, so I will share. Cause you know, Im not greedy. Even though I could have kept it to myself and used it to my advantage. >:) Picks random color schemes from images. You can also view the most recent generated ones, ones that have been saved, search by name, yada yada.. Its a great place to get colors, I use it all the time.


  • i remember a site very similar to that (was probably the same site which has since been upgraded) from yeeears ago. I'd completely forgotten about it though. Cool stuff.
  • slick. mini, I think you're remembering that old 5k submission which had 3 bars or so right?
  • um? Maybe? My memory sucks. I seem to remember the domain name too though..?
  • There were quite a few of them that sprouted up either at the same time or one after another. Many of them were crafty DHTML color selectors and mixers. I can't for the life of me remember all of them, but the one that comes straight to mind is the 5k Contest entry as well as another one done in flash which offered HSL support.
  • *shrugs. some of the o8ers might know the one i'm thinking of. I almost undoubtedly found out about it on there.
  • You guys talking of ?
  • Pretty cool. I like how it makes a palette out of one color.. Not FF compatible though :(
  • Well, it was made before the days of Firefox, or Firebird, or Phoenix even
  • oh, yeah i am flc. *o8 handshake
  • yep, that's it FLC, there's also like 3 others like that one out there though.
  • Have you seen this one?
  • and i love this one best of all:
  • mine :P
  • LoOkOuTLoOkOuT
    edited November 2005
    Thanks Krak, that's exactly what I needed at exactly the right time. Glad you're not greedy!
  • Mr. Nase, that's beautiful! Looks like the back end of WordPress. Is there an english translation?
  • Nase > did you get permission to use the Wordpress tiger administration plugin as your site design?
  • Iam using one of the first public versions which was free to use and free to modify so I really didn't care about a permission because the author didn't say anything about it. Haven't visited the site anymore, Iam quite surprised it was so successful and now even v1.3 is out. I'll contact the author about it, but till I get the permission I'll add a notice to the .css which is just fair! :)
  • Glad it was useful for someone.
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