Clockwork, Green Edition

KrakKrak New
edited October 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I got a little tired of the orange (the original clockwork) so I decided to midify it. Its the same layout/design as the last one, just not with the bright orange. Instead its a soft green. Some small tweaks were also made.

Check it out




  • Its all jacked (in very few spots) in IE. I really hate Internet Explorer. Why did MS have to do that. Looks fine in FF 1.0.7, of course.
  • MS didn't do anything, and they haven't done much recently in regards with IE other than patch a few gaping holes :) now go run along and see if this puppy stands up in opera :D good work none-the-less!
  • i've found opera 8.5 has good css support, much like firefox. as for opera 7.5... :-(
  • I really like that and the original clockwork. Nice and simple designs.
  • Only some minor tweeks from me:
    I still don't like the tabs.
    Also, the links at the bottom are green and then turn grey on hover; shouldn't that be the other way around?
  • pretty nice. I actually quite like how the tabs work - and ben, that might seem correct, but the colour->black rollover seems common throughout most the site.
  • I meant MS had to do that, as in, make a screwed up browser. Things never function properly in IE, unless of course, its coded specifically for IE. And then, it doesn't work right in other browsers. Most of the time anyways. Yeah I noticed a few spots need tweaking. I'm working on it. I had changed all the fonts from px's over to em's, but of course, it screwed everything up in IE. So back to px's it is. @ben - What is it about the tabs you don't like? And yes, I made all the links green with a black rollover on purpose. Never thought about having it the other way around. Thanks guys.
  • OK, v0.3. I've fixed everything I was aware of. I checked it and it should work fine in IE6 and FF 1.0.7. Don't have any other browsers so can't test those. If you visit my forum again make sure to do a hard refresh (CTRL+F5), so it redownloads the CSS.
  • Does anyone actually like this style? Enough to use? Anyone want it in another color?
  • This is actually my fav style for vanilla that I've seen thus far. I'm using it on
  • I meant the "To Top of Page" links at the bottom, not the copyright bits.

    I think the tabs could do with a bit more padding, especially at the bottom, and maybe changing to a lighter green background on hover.
  • I added a darker color for the tab mouseovers, and 1 extra px of padding. lol. I have a few color variations on the way as well. Same, just different flavors. Current: Orange, Green On the way: Purple, Red, Blue, and Yellow (others?) Im doing a few things to tidy up, and get them all the same. Downloads in a few days. Im gonna have my own freaking rainbow.
  • KrakKrak New
    edited October 2005
    Cleaned em up a little, and added some more color versions. Current: Orange, Green, Purple, and Blue On the way: Red, Yellow, others? (theres a guest account and a style switcher in the left panel to easily check them out) Edit: I just noticed the new panel shows up even when your logged out. Soon as I figure out how I'll fix that. Edit Again: Got it, figured it out, now it will only show up when logged in. Last Edit (I promise): I added the styles to the wiki thingamajig (hope I did it right).
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