Mark, Darling... (or an extension geek)

edited October 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
So i was thinking, if you click on a thread with 51 posts, so you can get a recap (which is good) it takes you to page1 which is a little irritating cause you then have to click to page 2. What i'm thinking is that you could make it load comments 40/45/49/whatever onwards onto page2 so people can still get a recap without the hassle. I suspect you'll come back with perfectly valid arguments about speed and stuff but i thought i'd toss the idea into the pan while you're working on the next version since i dont think you'll have thought about this so far.


  • Great thinking mini, I do find that idea refreshing as a means to get a recap of what's going on without having to thumb through the last set of replies just to get to the last page of discussion and the input box. Mark this would be a great idea as either core or extension.
  • +1. sounds like an awesome idea. It doesn't bother me to much to be honest, but if this is implemented, I am sure I will notice a huge difference. Lets just leave this one for Mark. :P
  • Sorry, i just wanted to bring this to your attention while you were alive incase you wernt namewhoring.
  • hehe, that would be like displaying every other thread, mini :D
  • Yeah, but mine's the best. Naturally...
  • NickENickE New
    edited October 2005
    I'm not sure how one would turn this into an extension, but if you were willing to mess a little with Vanilla's source, is this what your thinking of? (assuming the amount of comments to display on one page is 10)
  • I think you're slightly missing my idea. If you notice at present, if you open a discussion which has N+x topics where N is the number shown per page and x is less than the number for which you want to review (which at present is 1 (if you click to view a topic it'l take you to the start of the last post you read - i.e. x = 1)) then it will take you to the previous page (which is where the last post you read is) which means that you then have to click over a page to view the rest of the comments. That made virtually no sense but thats because i brought an extra variable in which at present is a static. As an example, get yourself a thread with N+1 posts in but where you havent read the last post. Click to view the thread and it'l take you to the first page where you've actually read all the posts but you might want to refresh yourself. Which is useful, but irritating if you know what the story is and you just want the update. So. My suggestion is that in such a case it simply takes you to the last page and displays the refresher post there so you dont have the irritation of having to click. That's a lot of writing to make a tiny point but hopefully it's a little clearer now. Probably more confusing though.
  • NickENickE New
    edited October 2005
    Sorry about that. So, at the current the forum'll take you to the last comment which you read, but you want it so it will take you to the first unread comment instead?
  • Not quite. I still want a recap but i dont want to have the inconvenience of having to click over a page if the recap would cause me to do this in the current setup. Instead i'd like the recap listed on the same page as the newer comments.
  • I think clicking the link should always take you to the latest comments, or atleast the last page of the discussion. Then, if you're confused, you can always read previous discussions.
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