no categories to choose

edited September 2009 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

I started a Forum on
I created some Categories, but there is no way to choose a different category than the last category i added.
My mistake or Vanillas mistake?



  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    It sounds like a permission problem to me. Go to Dashboard > Forum > Categories and click on the name of one of the categories you aren't able to see in the start a discussion page. Make sure that the permissions are assigned to the roles appropriately. Specifically, they'll need "View Discussion" and "Add Discussion" permissions.
  • the only problem was, that I had not checked "use Categories"
    but - isn't that stupid if one can create categories but people can't but their discussions in the categories?
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    I wouldn't call it "stupid". Some people want only certain roles to be able to view or add to certain categories.
  • oliverraduneroliverraduner ✭✭
    edited May 2010
    I ran on the same "issue" - fortunately I remembered that I saw this checkbox somewhere...

    I'd recommend to put an according notification on the categories-page. (if the checkbox is not enabled)


    Follow below steps to add a "Categorie Checkbox"-notification to the categorie settings page:

    1) Copy managecategories.php from
    /vanilla/views/settings/ --> /themes/your_theme/views/settings/

    2) Add the following code between the PHP-brackets in the very top:
    * Check if Categories-Checkbox is enabled
    * If not, flash a Notice.
    if (Gdn::Config('Vanilla.Categories.Use') === FALSE)
    $this->StatusMessage = T('Categories are not being displayed, because the Categories checkbox is disabled!
    ').Anchor(T('→ fix this'), 'vanilla/settings/general#Form_Vanilla-dot-Categories-dot-Use');
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