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Posts appearing/listing out-of-order?

Andy KAndy K
edited September 2009 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
A number of users have recently had this happen on my site, only within the last 2 weeks or so (no new addons, server moves, etc): A user will post, another user posts 2-5 minutes later, and the response-post comes in AFTER the original post. Sometimes this even happens in the first post of a discussion.

Here's an example (just one of about 4-5 seen in the last week):

Note: Running 1.1.4 now, will upgrade to 1.1.9 shortly, but still looking for suggestions. Was this a known bug at some point?



  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    I've never heard of this happening before. The posts are sorted by the date that they were inserted, so if you have access to phpMyAdmin, I'd check the dates on those specific comments to be sure that they were inserted correctly.

    Let us know what you find...
  • This issue is also happening with another two seperate Vanilla 1.1.9 forums that I know of. Is there any likelihood of a fix? Could it be related to posters posting from different time zones or anything strange like that?
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