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Theme dev and styling

edited September 2009 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
I have downloaded a copy and am running Garden on my server and plan to use it live soon. I have started to alter it somewhat to my style and was wondering if its going to be the same as v1, in regard to themes and styles; being that the theme changes layout and style changes pallet/colours etc.
I have altered mine and plan to make it available again as i did with the original v1 styles i did. However, if anyone is going to do a theme i'd be happy to 'skin' it as i have the original.

in summary: garden rules, mark rocks.
long live the king.

p.s. Feel free to leave styling tips and development experiences here, they are useful to all, especially me :)

As a style prophet once said: I'm pink, therefore I'm spam.


  • lucluc ✭✭
    edited January 2010
    They will be only themes, not as in v1 (theme + style).

    My wife just did her first theme in our playground: (login: demo/password: theme).
    We'll verify more (so that everything is fine) before asking to be able to upload it here.

    EDIT: Site not there anymore as screenshot can be uploaded.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff

    Things are a little different with Vanilla 2 than Vanilla 1. In Vanilla 1 there was theming (editing your html) and there was styling (editing your css). In Vanilla 2 you can do both all in one and it's just called Theming. You can, of course, upload your stuff to the addons site when it's ready - and we have better screenshot uploading stuff in there now, too.
  • aah ok then thats awesome :D
    I look forward to doing more themes n stuffs. Have to investigate the templatey stuffs though.
    Nice lookin' theme there Bean, dont forget the title/button drop shadow ;-)
    I need to make an application for this thing somehow to make a 'booking' and then pay for it. :o
    kinda scary if you ask me, but hopefully this garden thang can make it easy on me ..
    Mark: screenshots are my guide to coolness. if i cant see it first i dont want it. nice update :)
    Oh and happy belated birthday ;)
  • I uploaded my first shot called Epicenter. Feel free to give it a drive around, kick the tires etc.

  • As I said 2 days ago, my wife was working on something.

    It's available here:

    @redux: I have tried yours, but I got errors on the dashboard, but all other pages seems fine.
    I do like black/grey and blue.
  • @bean: Glad you like it :)
    Could you show me which errors you are getting on the dashboard please ? Much appreciated.
  • lucluc ✭✭
    edited September 2009
    I guess it's because (as stated by S) you included files that shouldn't be there inside your theme (as they're not up to date, and that you didn't changed them at all, especially the views), and that you haven't tested it with the real latest (I'm git current, your's is missing 2/3 updates) :)

    It tries to get an non-property object => PHP Error.

    On my version at work (from a tarball of last week), it works OK.
    But you should definitely remove files you didn't change from your theme, there's no point putting them in, especially when it's still a changing target.
  • I didn't realize the view files weren't required to be included with the theme. I'll remove them for the next release.
    I last updated from git about, well 4 days ago now. didn't think I'd miss that much as it'd been stagnant for a while..
    From now on I'll update daily regardless of repository status :)
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