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Popup error when idling on a page

FlamFlam New
edited September 2009 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Today I've been messing with vanilla2 for a bit and I've noticed that if I leave a page open for long enough, a popup error message appears, displaying the following message:
"A fatal error occurred while processing the request.
The server returned the following response: error"


Is this something from my host's side? Has anyone experienced this before?


  • My old account doesn't want to login no matter what I try (correct password) so I created this new one.


    Also, I have noscript installed but disabled for my site if that changes anything.

    Also2, I experienced the same error on this forum's registration page.
  • It might be on your host side or connection.

    If you leave a discussion open, and have it set to refresh automatically via the built-in feature, it uses ajax to check if there's new comments.

    If there's an error, you can get this message.
  • That might be it actually, sounds very likely.
    Do you know where I can disable this feature?
  • lucluc ✭✭
    edited September 2009
    When you install, you've the choice to unable it or not.

    Afterwards, you can edit conf/config.php:

    $Configuration['Vanilla']['Comments']['AutoRefresh'] = '30';

    To disable, you, most likely, have to change '30' to FALSE.
  • edited September 2009
    I've made this edit and now it appears immediately on page load.
    I guess you can say this timer is more like a countdown....


    [edit] I tried setting 30 to 6000 and one of my topics vanished.
    I then reset it to 30 and my topic reapeared but now the popup loads on page load as if it was set to FALSE
  • I've changed mine, on my test install at work from 5 to 120 without issues.

    And it does work fine at 30, on my test install at home.

    Maybe just try to comment it.
  • K i've set it to 120 and 2 minutes seems high enough that no one will notice it hopefully.

    I wonder what function accesses it, so I can look and see what my host is missing to fix it.
  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff
    You can also disable this in the Dashboard/Forum/General.
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