JQuery plugin updated to v19-1.4.2, gets CKEditor 3.1

edited February 2010 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Read about the v19-1.4.2 update

Hey everyone, long time no see. I've just updated my JQuery extension for Vanilla 1 to jQuery 1.4.1 and added CKEditor to it. Please everyone have a go and break it, I'm sure it's a little rough around the edges, but it worked for me on Vanilla 1.1.10 so have at it!

CKEditor require HTML Formatter to be installed and enabled, you should also save your sanity and formatting by turning the HTML_CONVERT_NEWLINES option to "0" (zero).

Please let me know what you guys think.


  • It looks good. The input size changer button overlaps it, though. Maybe add this to it:

  • StashStash
    edited February 2010
    Yeah I spotted that just after I uploaded, but thanks for letting me know it works anyway ;)

    Is there a better way of hiding it with PHP in the Vanilla code?
  • edited February 2010
    Okay...I'm lost. I'm a Vanilla noob, so bare with me.

    I see no admin option for CK. If I enable CKEditor through conf/settings.php, I lose the comment form altogether. HTML Formatter is enabled.

    I'll be happy to answer any questions you may have for me.
  • StashStash
    edited February 2010
    Another quick release. I've replaced the ancient ThickBox with ColorBox and put some notes in the admin section. Also that fix that SubJunk mentioned.

    v18-1.4.1 Released 2010-02-19

    + Hid the comment box resizer thanks SubJunk
    + Added ColorBox 1.3.6.
    - Removed ThickBox 3.1 - it's very old and is no longer maintained
    ! Couple of CKEditor CSS tweaks (Vanilla overrides a lot by default with annoying CSS * selectors)
    ! General code tidy up, can still be better, but...

    HOWTO for CKEditor coming...
  • Everything is working great. Thanks for your time and effort.
  • Thank YOU for giving some feedback! Out of interest, what was it that you were doing wrong? Perhaps I can write better instructions in the readme to prevent other people having the same problems?
  • edited February 2010
    I never resolved the CK problem.

    Shortly after posting here, I began reading posts associated with your addon. It was then that I realized I needed Set List. Admin problem solved. As for CK not showing and the form disappearing, I never could figure out why it wasn't working. I installed this new version and everything worked out of the box.

    Your instructions are fine. That's how I was doing it all along.

    Edit: FYI...When JQuery is enabled, Panel Re-Order stops working. The rearrange area in the admin section ceases to function. I unchecked all of the JQuery options to see if there was a conflict with the plugins. There wasn't. I took disabling JQuery for the re-order function to work again.

    Would you prefer posting issues here or in the addon section?
  • @[-Stash-]: I can add a config option to allow the disabling of the input size option if you'd like, but I don't see any benefits in doing that as opposed to the CSS option.
    Great job.
  • StashStash
    edited February 2010
    Thank! :D

    Hmm, I guess it was mostly just curiosity that made me ask... I've been thinking about having the option to automatically disable CK when you having something other than "HTML" selected as your formatter and then reenabled when you click back onto "HTML" - does this seem like a good idea to you, or do you think it will confuse people?

    @Cablespider, I'll have a look at Panel Order and see what's going on. It's entirely possible that I've broken the jQuery compatibility mode somewhere along the line...
  • That makes sense, I think it would be a good feature
  • Also, would you like me to make HTML Formatter automatically make HTML_CONVERT_NEWLINES to 0 if this extension is enabled? That way people have one less step on installation
  • If you have the ability to edit/update HTML formatter, yes please :D
  • Cool, it's done now in the SVN repository, r942. So it will be released with Vanilla 1.2.
    I'll also get ownership of the HTML Formatter extension on this website so I can update it.
  • StashStash
    edited February 2010
    Excellent news!

    Now I guess I'd better update the extension again with jQuery 1.4.2 since it seems to be a pretty good improved in speed over even 1.4.1!
  • Please shout if this breaks anything...

    v19-1.4.2 Released 2010-02-24

    Updated the JS library to jQuery 1.4.2.
    + Added some more config to CKEditor to force it to display nicer raw HTML
    + Added "Previous Release" option in the admin settings so people can roll back even minor version updates.
    ! Reworded some of the admin options to try and make it clearer.
    ! Bit more general code tidy up.

  • The new version looks good.
    I suggest removing the changelog from the extension options page though, or maybe have a link to show it. It pushes the "save" button off the page.

    Also, I noticed on a fresh install that it only works properly if HTML_CONVERT_NEWLINES is always set to "1". Can you confirm it?
    It is on a fresh install of 1.1.10 with only Set List, HTML Formatter and jQuery extensions.
  • I'll check in the morning, but it's entirely possible that some of the CKEditor options I changed means it now prefers the oposite setting! Will check and come back on that.

    They're not a changelog on the options page, they're notes on how to use each plugin. Perhaps if you can convince squirrel to add a 'help' option to Set List I could add that info to popup upon clicking a (admin configurable) '?' at the end of each line? I know it's not ideal with pushing down the save button, but it does mean people will see it... I'm open to suggestions.
  • Ah I see, my bad.
    Another option would be to make the tickboxes save automatically, like with the Notifi Account Options menu.
  • You're running into my cut'n'paste coder limitations again! I completely agree with you, but Set List is the only reason I got an admin page in there at all in the first place :)

    I probably could figure it out given enough time, but the nice thing about Set List is that it's very easy to modify the admin stuff and maintain the plugin. I suppose I could have a look at modifying Set List to incorporate some of these improvements, but I have a feeling that it may be totally beyond my ability right now.
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