custom CSS feature idea

edited February 2010 in Feedback
I had a good idea for the custom css addon, the ability to reset back to the themes default CSS. any thoughts or ideas?


  • What's this "custom css addon"? I just searched for that in the addons and couldn't find it...
  • ✭✭
  • its in a core install also, where you can edit the css colors from the acp. Only thing is you have to either remember or write down the original colors in case you mess up and want to change back.
  • ✭✭
    In core, it just allows to change a few colors that's all, it doesn't allow many css changes as you're allowed to do in

    Furthermore, I guess it's still broken, and to reset to default you just need to delete the directory in cache to do it.
  • If that's the case there should definitely be a "Reset to default" button!
  • @luc
    i didnt know there were more options on the, surely these will be included with the down-loadable version for right?

    but yes reseting back to default should be added or fixed
  • css addon is created specifically for their site, and is a sort of full blow css editor opposed to just color selection as you cannot access the theme files directly. It won't be available for download i doubt as they are trying to provide a business around like for example.
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