PAID JOB: Onsite AJAX Chat Add-on

edited April 2009 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I am looking for someone who could help me get the following thing done.

A chat, which docks at the bottom of my Vanilla Forum. Logged in members should be able to activate the chat and talk to each other. As simple as possible, no other options than activate and deactivate.

I would be willing to pay for the development, depending on how much is needed. Maybe there are some others too.


  • Here is a more detailed request. A chat button / layer should always be visible for logged in users at the bottom of the window and say "Chat Off". When a logged in user clicks at "Chat Off" the chat button / layer expands and shows the following:

    Chat history since activated chat (scrollable)
    Input Box and submit button
    Chat On (click to dectivate chat)
  • Hmm... Sounds like Facebook ;)
  • Nobody?
  • Why not get the chat addon and modify it?? Or don't you know php. Also the it is powered through ajax :)
  • I don't know enough PHP to do it by myself. Plus, I don't got the time.
  • Any idea how to turn this one into a vanilla addon?
  • if anyone takes this job, please keep the addon gpl or opensource friendly and add it to the addon list.
  • ✭✭
    @Tex I think this is what you're looking for. Developing it from scratch would take a lot of time, and therefore be very expensive so a solution like this is probably a better choice.
  • @Tex are you looking for the solution to be a single chat for all users or facebook style individual messages to specific members?
  • @Raize, yeah, I came across with cometchat before, only problem being that it isn't free, and cuz I only have a little forum for me and my friends I'm not gonna pay for a chat.
  • @Raize Looks great. I gonna test it. Thanks!
    @garymardell Single chat to all members.
  • Hey all this is old I know, sorry if this is a bump, but I feel that the free Gmail chat can be made in to a plugin and from what I just seen on there website cometchat is the big daddy of the same Gmail chat app but it is a one to one chat where cometchat dose offer a chatroom also.
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