
edited March 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help


  • When I click the download link above, the file that is downloaded still says it's version 1.1 of vanillacons in the code. When I upload it to the server, the updates page still shows it's the old version, not 1.2. (This also occurred with Who's Online.)
  • Uploaded version 1.3 of Vanillacons.
  • Version 1.3 - 14.03.2007, Jazzman
    - Fixed version number
    - Added expandible container for Vanillacons
    - Moved settings link to Extensions options
    - Smilies now get inserted at cursor, instead of at the end of the comment
  • I get a js error - toggleContainer is not defined - when I click on the Vanillicons link in the comment block.
  • @jimw: rebuild your Vanillacons, then force-refresh your browser.
  • That did it. Sorry for my stupidity. I thought I had done that but I didn't.
  • CTRL + SHIFT + F5 does it again ;)
  • Brilliant update to Vanillacons! pic

    I just had to tweak the gap between the show-hide label and the category menu, it was too tight in Safari.

    I also changed [+] and [-] to Show and Hide, simply for personal preference.

    Thanks Jazzman.

    Posted: Thursday, 15 March 2007 at 8:40AM (AEDT)

  • One of my users noted this morning that when inserting a smiley, it must be preceeded by a blank. If it is not, it goes to the beginning of the comment. Just FYI.
  • Nope, works fine for me, no matter where the cursor is. pic

    Posted: Friday, 23 March 2007 at 8:09AM (AEDT)

  • this is not working for me. it doesnt shows the smileys it doesnt do anything when i change the smilie categories from drop down :/
  • Even after this --> Vanillacons # 6
  • i was used the rebuild thing but ctrl + f5 fix everything thanks :)
  • For some reason Vanillacons caches its stuff really well.
    I went 3 days after installing new smilie icons before they showed up.
    I refreshed once or twice, nothing happened, then I got distracted and forgot all about them.
    As I said, 3 days later they magically appeared.
    Maybe the read-me needs an ALL CAPS notice?

    Posted: Saturday, 24 March 2007 at 8:59AM (AEDT)

  • How strange. I just tried the insert again, several times, and twice it went to the beginning of the message. The rest of the time it went to the cursor position. I hate inconsistency!
    Great add-on anyway. Thanks, Jazzman.

    They are not showing for me, all I get is the :afro: link. Why?
  • This happens to me, too. Like :shamed:.
  • Clear your caches!
  • Thanks Jazzman. pic You probably know this, but there is one mis-spelling: :whorship: instead of :worship:.pic
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