Html Formatter

SubJunkSubJunk ✭✭
edited January 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Html Formatter


  • trying out some html

    get your Vanilla here

    how do I make it so that urls are automatically created as a link?
    e.g. <-- not a link, but is there an extension which makes it a link?
  • If u use the "Text" option and then type <-- is a link it would be nice is the HTML option did that as well.
  • is there a way to combine both? so users don't have to keep switching back and forth btwn text or html?
  • oh ok can I do that without the extension?
  • there is only way to find out :)
  • well I already tried it and it doesn't work. It just seems strange to install the html formatter extension when you don't really need the "html" part of it. Furthermore, an average user could get confused thinking that they need to enable the html option to have links in their post.
  • I'm confused, selecting "text" format and typing a link ( <-- gives a link!? Hmm..that seems odd. Convenient, I suppose, but odd. Presumably, if you select "Html" you know how to create a link using HTML.
  • Convenient indeed. But inconvenient from a usability POV, i.e. "text" would imply text only, as is the case for emails. Anyhow, the extension is definitely useful in its own right.
  • Guys - that autolinking and the / me function is part of the Extended Text Formatter, not the base text formatter that comes with vanilla. Though this discussion isnt really the place for this discussion.
  • ahh thank you, now that makes sense.
  • Is it just me, or does this double space everything when using paragraph or list tags?
  • Yes it does, that's what AutoP is for.
  • oh, awesome, thanks:)
  • Uploaded version 2.0.3 of Html Formatter.
  • wow cool, I didn't know it did that
  • The new version seems to break the formatting? I keep getting these errors? Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /nfsn/content/artmgs/public/forum/extensions/HtmlFormatter/default.php on line 226 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /nfsn/content/artmgs/public/forum/extensions/HtmlFormatter/default.php on line 226
  • I get this error as well:
  • Uploaded version 2.0.4 of Html Formatter.
  • oops, sorry about that. guess that's what I get for not testing it... :-/

    should be fixed now
  • Lovely job thanks SirNot! All clear in my test forum...
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