


  • Awesome! Thanks for this, works like a charm.
  • It looks great, thanks! But now JQMedia won't play YouTube video and only shows the URL to the video. any suggestions? : http://famousforchrist.org/resources/comments.php?DiscussionID=1&page=1#Item_3
  • it has to be a link.
    not text
  • thanks!
  • This editor seems to be a bit better overall in my experience than tinymce. I reported tinymce problems here. Unlike tinymce, FCKeditor works in MSIE Windows and Japanese works automatically (without any separate installation headaches either). But unlike tinymce, FCKeditor doesn't auto-disable itself in Safari. Instead, it simply locks up the screen so you cannot see any icons or insert your text cursor in the field at all!

    At least tinymce prevents itself from loading at all in Safari, but FCKeditor will prevent any of your Safari users from ever posting! I would certainly love to hear a simple fix for this as it would at least make the editor usable in Firefox and MSIE. Possible?
  • there should be a way to disable it for safari.
    I'm looking into it
  • Uploaded version 2.2 of FCKeditor.
  • Uploaded version 2.3 of FCKeditor.
  • can anyone email the Video folder inside fckeditor to me
  • Mail is out
  • Uploaded version 2.3 of FCKeditor.
  • Just wondering if anyone has a solution to my problem with FCKeditor... When a user types away and has text in the box, then browses away (say by accident) and hits the back button all the text is gone.

    Is there a way to put a check to warn the user when he/she browses away their text will be gone?
  • I don't think FCKeditor has such a feature.
  • Uploaded version 2.4 of FCKeditor.
  • Seems to be an issue with the newest version. Causes a lot of my users to get the following:


    Rolling back to 2.3 and having users clear their Cache seems to fix the problem.
  • Uploaded version 2.4.1 of FCKeditor.
  • Uploaded version 2.4.1 of FCKeditor.
  • there isn't any new features in it except some new skins, and updated readme.
  • The 2.4.1 seems to have fixed the problem, thanks.
  • I just tried 2.4.1 and found it works fine in Firefox Mac and IE Windows (except for the slow icon loading in IE I mentioned before -- but that is a problem with the browser or FCKeditor, not MySchizoBuddy's code). I also reported here that I solved the Safari problem I was having. I just now need to set it up to work with Preview and I'll be all set. But then, after reading through this thread, it may be better to just kill Preview altogether.
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