Sorry, in the default.php there is a value 110 for the location of each "Panel->AddString" item. If you make that a smaller value it will weigh less and appear higher up in the Sidepanel.
now youre talking... that worked, thanks! I can't seem to get it to appear above the "start new discussion" link, even tried using negatives, but oh well its good enough for me!
Wont do images. You would have to modify the code at the bottom of the file as well. Might run into issues (as far as formatting?), cause your wanting to inlcude html files, allowing a possibility for malicious code to be run.
if (in_array($Context->SelfUrl, array('index.php', 'categories.php', 'search.php', 'account.php'))) { } is your friend Lots of duplicated code there...
But, the code I had in comment #12 above was done to give flexibility of putting different images on different pages. If you don't need or want that, the use sirlancelot's suggestion.
I added the lines
$extList['html'] = 'text/html';
$extList['htm'] = 'text/html';
but it just seems to ignore the .htm file
Any help would be appreciated
its good to know that even if i have questions about older projects, i will still get a reply.
keep up the good work, and have a most excellent day
if (in_array($Context->SelfUrl, array('index.php', 'categories.php', 'search.php', 'account.php'))) { }
is your friend