


  • @Alty: yes you should find it there, is the custom theme enabled also?
  • The theme I'm using is the one included with the download, so CategoryRoles-theme and I've tried it with both the default and vaneablack styles. The theme is applied to all users (since I've found that if I don't apply a theme to all users that theme is not actually applied).
  • Well, if the theme is correctly installed, please double check it, go to Settings->Categories, click to edit one category. You should find two more selectors down the page.
    Or else something is not correctly installed. We need more info.
  • Hi Max,

    It's minor, but the current readme still says you need add that delegate to CategoryForm.php, despite the fact that it was added in v.1.1.4. It would be nice if you took that out, or changed it to something along the line of "For versions below v.1.1.4, add this delegate..."
  • Oh, and another thing---you hard-code the db prefix as "LUM_". For those of us that use an alternative prefix, it would be nice if you switched that to something like:

    [ln 30] $DatabasePrefix = $Context->Configuration['DATABASE_TABLE_PREFIX']; $res = mysql_query("DESCRIBE ".$DatabasePrefix."Category Cat_filter", $Context->Database->GetConnection()) // Etc, etc. There are a few spots that hard-code "LUM_"
  • @timfire: will do.
  • is the pseudo theme file only for editing the roles, or is it required even to limit the role comment/discussion abilities basically how hard would it be to use this with a different theme?
  • @fysicsluvr:
    1 - discussion_form.php is required to limit abilities. settings_category_edit.php for editing roles.

    2 - from the readme (!):
    If you want to use the extension with another theme, you can copy the two php files of this folder to you theme folder.
    If this other theme also has modification to these files, you should merge the few lines necessary to the extension.
    They are clearly marked by //CategoryRole comments.
    Only a single line (two in source because split for readability) is necessary for user side.
  • oh, i should've read the readme first! oops...
  • trying to set one of my categories to read only for a certain role"members" ( and read only on all discussion under that cat.)
    .. ( can view the category and all discussions..but can't add comments)
    but( im missing something really obivious.. iknow.)
    im perplexed
    in settings:
    under selected category, i check the roles , including "member" ( otherwise its not even visible)-
    -in the first dropdown i choose a higher role than member,"teamPuscifer" -// wishing i could leave it there.. is my issue.. the next drop down nulls my objective: it allows any checked role to add comments.( so if visibile - that role can always add comments?
    scuse my slowness.thanks
  • you want to set the second dropdown to same or higher privileged role than the first. In your case "teamPuscifer" (great name btw)
  • thanks you max_b
  • This did exactly what I wanted - thanks so much for this. Maybe i'm just crazy, but this should be built into the core. I can see a lot of situations where this functionality would be absolutely required!

    *edit* New Category Roles default.php file that allows for database prefixes other than "LUM" :)
  • i m sorry to bug again but i m having trouble withthis extension.
    i have this catagory: news. which i want readable only. (excpet for admins)
    so i check all the roles that i want to be able toview it.( all except the unathenticated or banned)
    then i select admin in the two drop downs.thinking ( hoping) then anyone below this cannot start a new discussion or post to the cat.
    It stops posting comments. but they ( checked roles)can still start new discussions.
    "Any user with a role below this setting is allowed to post in an existing discussion, but cannot create a new discussion in this category."
    i dont understand this part.
    i ve atempted all differnt kinds of options. what can i do?

    i know it's something im not/doing -ive searched .. i even tried to go into into the databse and understand my prefrences..but i cant seem to grasp it.
    anyones help is appreciated..again sorry and thank you.
  • @tannerc
    Did you check the roles order, in the "Roles & Permission" settings form?
    The role are sorted in ascending priority order, so the "admin" role should be BELOW the "member" role in that list.
  • Uploaded version 0.7 of CategoryRoles.
  • CategoryRoles 0.7 contains __MACOSX folder.
  • Uploaded version 0.7 of CategoryRoles.
  • 0.7 zip file corrected
  • I've set up a category called "Announcements" where Members are allowed to comment but not start discussions. If I log in as a Member and try to start a new discussion, the Announcements category is not visible in the dropdown menu. However, if I edit that dropdown menu (via Firebug, for example), and change one of the option values to the ID of the Announcements category, then I can post a new discussion without any further errors. I would love it if the add-on actually checked, at post time, if the user has permission to start a new discussion. While I'm still going to use it as-is (because it works cosmetically), this would be a marked security improvement.
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