Member Google Map



  • hey jpack, could you email me your code? thank. libin918(at)gmail(dot)com
  • Hi.
    First I like to thank you all for the nice software, and for a very nice and polite community!

    The graphic "Define your coordinates" map does'nt show up?
    I hav'nt bee able to find any solution, and have'nt got a clue how this works?... Any sugestions?

    @jpack. Could i please try your solution?
    emai: orresas at gmail

    Thank's a lot! :)
  • Still cant get more than a blank window above "Define your coordinates".
    Any sugestions please?
  • a shame, this whole thing including the additional code works great except for the "Define your coordinate" clickable part, and i cannot find the reason ... does it work anywhere else? can i see it online somewhere for comparison?
  • GOT IT ... a view to the javascript console made it. disable //console.log(\'geocode\'); in MemberGoogleMap/default.php and maybe //lat =; //lng = point.lng()
  • Beautiful Keith!

    Disabled the "console.log ..." line and it works like a charm! :-)
    Thank's a lot mate!!

    and *** HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! ***
  • I want this so bad, but when I install it, it makes my account page completely disappear. This is a brand-new install of Vanilla and this happens with no other addons running.

    This is a forum for a local community, so it would be very, very useful. Any ideas?
  • I could never get this to work. Then I got it to work when we changed servers. Now, I've enabled eAccelerator and I'm getting the original error messages. Account pages won't load; manage.location error or similar. Do you have eAccelerator enabled?
  • Hadn't worked half a year ago.
    Doesn't work today.

    After installation on a brand new Vanilla and entering the mapkey,
    theres only an empty maps-frame.
  • Just to let anyone know (who's interested). We had two problems with this extension over at the Kohana forums and managed to fixed them.

    • The map doesn't appear (when you have already saved a location and you are trying to change it).
    • Clicking on the map doesn't set your longitude or latitude.
    • Remove the following line from default.php (line 267):
    • Change lines 259 and 260 of default.php from:
      $('txtlatitude').value =; $('txtlongitude').value= point.lng();
      document.getElementById( 'txtlatitude' ).value =; document.getElementById( 'txtlongitude' ).value = point.lng();
  • In my system, I had to change this: document.getElementById( 'txtlatitude' ).value =; document.getElementById( 'txtlongitude' ).value = point.lng(); to this (just double-quotes): document.getElementById( "txtlatitude" ).value =; document.getElementById( "txtlongitude" ).value = point.lng(); and it worked perfectly thanks for the pointer!
  • I tried the solution of removing the console.log line and changing the lat and lng lines to the document.getElementyById and I still get JavaScript errors when I try to click on the Map.
  • can you post some more info about the js errors?
  • I cant get it to save the locations of my members..... Where are the locations of the members actually stored? On the forum or with google.
  • the locations are stored in the forum users database as a two column value (for lat & long)
  • OK here is our forum: You must register @ so I installed the Google maps extension as is and I had the bug with the map not showing.... so I went in and deleted the console.log line.... now the map shows but when the users select there location then go back to View All Members none are shown... I tried this fix: document.getElementById( 'txtlatitude' ).value =; document.getElementById( 'txtlongitude' ).value = point.lng(); and this one chashes the who board, we just get a white screen..... so I did this one: document.getElementById( "txtlatitude" ).value =; document.getElementById( "txtlongitude" ).value = point.lng(); and no crash but it doesnt save any of my users locations.... can anyone help?
  • I've got 2 problems (Vanilla 1.1.4 and MemberGoogleMap 2007-09-04):

    1. Problem with incorrect script URL into head area:
    <script type="text/javascript" src="/forum/"></script></head>
    2. Problem with database - longitude and latitude didn't exist in User table.


    ad.1. Change line 39


    $Head->AddScript(''.$Context->Configuration['GOOGLEMAP_KEY'], '');

    ad.2. Add columns manually.
  • Hi- I get this when I click

    Notice: Undefined variable: Context in /home/xxxxxx/public_html/vf/extensions/MemberGoogleMap/default.php on line 60

    Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /home/xxxxxx/public_html/vf/extensions/MemberGoogleMap/default.php on line 60

    Can anyone tell me how to handle this?

  • Insert global $Context; in line 60
  • busterkat: to fix that problem, add this just before line 60:

    global $Context;

    -- Jason
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