Category Page First

edited April 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Category Page First


  • need an update to this.
  • wouldnt it be easier to rename the discussions and categories php files and switch the two definitions around?
  • Easier still, try squirrel's method...
    How to make tab to be the default homepage for my site

    Works for me.

    Posted: Tuesday, 20 March 2007 at 7:21AM (AEDT)

  • Is it possible to get this to work with discussion filters?
  • Actived, this add-on block access to all discussions. Simply unable to see discussions, even if I come from categories. What's wrong with me ?
  • Pimp'in -

    Use the method outlined in the link from Wanderer's post (specifically posts 9 and 10) rather than this extension, and it will work.
  • default.php has Version: 1.0

    Extension has 1.0.1

    Can we get this minor discrepancy updated?
  • Version number changed from 1.0.1 to 1.0.
  • hi!

    i think this extension only works if friendly urls are on.
    to work with friendly urls off i changed these things:

    on line 18:
    // just add a some query string to the url
    $Menu->Tabs[$num]['Url'] .= 'index.php?show=latest';

    and replaced lines 23-27 with this small if:
    if($Context->SelfUrl == 'index.php' && !$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) {
    header('Location: categories.php');

    regards, J
  • getting this error when I attempt to login:
    Warning: Variable passed to each() is not an array or object in /public_html/forums/extensions/CategoryPageFirst/default.php on line 16
  • This extension works for me with jehul's hack. However, just like scherem, I do get the error message:

    Warning: Variable passed to each() is not an array or object in /vanilla/extensions/CategoryPageFirst/default.php on line 16

    I get this message on log-out and log-in. Log-in works, however, so this is fine for me for now.

    Does anybody have an idea how to get reid of the error message? (I'm a total php newbie by the way...)

  • just put an @ before the ...each(... on line 16 :) "@each" regards, J
  • That's it! What a simple fix. Wonderful! Thanks!
  • Hi, I've got a problem with the use of this add on : I can no more see discussions, and neither the detail of a category. SHOW_DISCUSSIONS_PAGE is still "true" and I correct "@each". Any idea ? Nota : I just tested the mod proposed by jehul on May 26th 2007 and it gives good results :)
  • hi :)

    thanks for the extension.

    may i ask why on so many cases these bugs that we can found in the comments are not fixed in the file we download?

    no cinism there - i don't have much experience and would like to understand if there's a reason for that :) thanks
  • All just depends if the extension author has had chance to roll the bug fixes into their code and upload a new version...
  • Would be nice to perhaps get the fixes applied after a set period of time (two weeks?) if the author does nothing about it? I'd be willing to be part of a beta test team to run it through the mill a bit if that's required.
  • I'd mistakenly thought that I'd seen authors saying what's wrong in the comments - and the version still having the bug. thank you, Minisweeper.

    that sounds great, stash!
    i wonder if the updating of extensions can't be more "wiki-style"?

    for an example:
    28 Aug: Stash: line 16 corrected: "@ added before each"
    30 Aug: Minisweeper: line X fixed: yadda yadda

    you see?
  • Jehul's fixes work great, but page manager seems to break the whole thing again, forcing my discussions page to always be categories. Anyone have any luck making this work with page manager?
  • I described how to make any page you want to be the default page here.
    I have a default page for members and a different one for guests.
    It works with Page Manager, in fact it relies on it!

    Posted: Thursday, 30 August 2007 at 7:38AM

This discussion has been closed.