
edited February 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help


  • Thought I'd post a link to the IPB2.2 smilies that I had in the previous Smile thread for this extension here.

    Smile, Emoticons, IPB2.2, 2007-02-23_14-47-52.rar
  • Hey guys,

    Thought I'd pitch in. Here's a slightly modified tango.txt file to include more variations of smilies and some more emotes from the tango project. I also made the aliases more semantic (rather than :face-smile: it's just :smile:).# see to find more infos about the Tango-Icon Project face-angel :angel: 0:-) face-crying :cry: :'( :'-( face-devil-grin :devil: >:-) >:) face-monkey :monkey: :-(|) face-plain :plain: :-| :| face-sad :sad: :-( :( face-smile :smile: :-) :) face-wink :wink: ;) ;-) face-surprise :surprise: :O :-O face-grin :grin: :D :-D
    Here's a link to Tango 0.8 . Just extract it and go to the emotes folder, it has more emotes than is included with the extension. Copy over the ones you need into the correct extension sub-folder.

    Oh, and another thing. I personally thought that the emotes included in the extension were too big, so you can copy over the medium sized emotes if you extract them from the link above. If you do that, you'll also want to change style.css to:
    #smileyBox img { margin: 0 5px; } img.smiley { vertical-align: bottom; }
    That way the emotes will look like they are resting on the bottom of the line instead of floating to the top.
  • Nice mallow005 :) I was thinking about doing something like that but never got around to it.
  • Can we get an option to say display only 6 emoticons and have a link "show all"?
  • Yes, or even something similar to the newly updated Attachments expansion thingy which expands when required. Or an option to simply turn off in the add comments area.
  • Looks nice but i gan an error:
    Warning: fopen(/www/htdocs/w0064fdb/extensions/Smile/cache_tango) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Is a directory in /www/htdocs/w0064fdb/extensions/Smile/default.php on line 131
    Cant write Cache

    all files got full permission (777) what shall i do?
  • Does the cache_tango directory itself have write permission as well?

    Posted: Friday, 29 June 2007 at 10:33AM

  • yes, it has.. the plugin works fine, but i get this error message..
    E: okay, i deleted all that tango stuff, created my own smileys.txt now it works fine.
    thanks :)
  • Can anybody tell me how to move the smileybox on the top of the comment form?
  • another problem here..
    when i activate the smile extension i get a "Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in [...]/vanilla/extensions/Smile/default.php on line 178". i swear i did not touch anything.
    is there hope?
  • Sorry I can't help you with your problem mate, but I can tell you that the URL to your account picture needs fixing...

    Posted: Thursday, 12 July 2007 at 9:03AM

  • thanks.. hadnt noticed that before. btw im a big fan of your work ^^

    can anyone help with my smile problem?
    line 178 is the bad one.. as a php noob i cant spot an "invalid argument". do u see a potential problem here?
    176 function Smile(&$Context) { 177 $this->Context = &$Context; 178 foreach( glob( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/*.txt') as $cfgFile) { 179 $setName = basename( $cfgFile, '.txt' ); 180 $this->smileyCollection[] = new SmileyCollection( $setName ); 181 }
  • am i the only one who has this problem? i really want to use this addon
  • Got a URL where this is enabled that we can look at to see the error in the wild? I've certainly never had this problem.

    Obvious things to check, you have got your Smile dir with the correct permissions so it can create its cache files?
  • sorry if that was obvious :]
    it seems like my hoster doesnt allow remote chmod. is there another way to change the permissions or will i have to change the hoster?

    (unfortunately i cant find a free one that allows remote mysql access.. i already pay for webspace without database)
  • i still get smilies parsed when inside < code> tags - any ideas? i'm using 0.6...

    thanks in advance :)
  • Hmm, I've started getting this as well. I wonder if it's something that's changed in Vanilla 1.1.4? I didn't notice it before I upgraded, but that doesn't mean it wasn't happening...
  • *bump once again for the renegade master, default damager, with the ill behaviour*
  • hi, is it possible to integrate the iconset into the addcomments form?
  • are there any new smilies to add?
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