


  • Hey, I'm getting this error.
    Warning: fopen(/home/ablehous/public_html/extensions/Smile/cache_tango) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Is a directory in /home/ablehous/public_html/extensions/Smile/default.php on line 131
    Cant write Cache

    I see that some other people have had the same error, but there wasn't any kind of solution posted. Has anyone seen this? How did you fix the error
  • Looks like either that directory doesn't exist, or the extension doesn't have permission to write to it. Can you confirm both?
  • It seems that cache_tango is supposed to be a file, nor a directory. The plugin also is supposed to auto-create it, but it was failing with 775 perms - doing "chmod 777 Smile/" manually made it create the cache ok.
  • I like to think more is *less*, however 5 icons is awfully sparse.

    Found this set of 82 icons (24x24 pixels):

    Download the file above, drop the icons in the tango directory, and paste these in tango.txt format (note back up originals!)
    airplane :airplane: angel :angel: O:-) angry :angry: :-X bad :bad: :nok: :not-ok: beer :beer: bowl :bowl: boy :boy: :man: :male: brb :brb: cake :cake: camera :camera: car :car: cat :cat: cigarette :cigarette: clock :clock: coffee :coffee: coins :coins: computer :computer: confused :confused: :-? console :console: crying :crying: :cry: cyring :crying: :cry: devil :devil: dog :dog: dont-know :dont-know: :idk: drink :drink: embarrassed :blush: :emberrassed: eyeroll :eyeroll: :roll: film :film: fingers-crossed :fingers-xd: :fingers-crossed: foot-in-mouth :foot-in-mouth: :footmouth: girl :girl: :woman: :female: glasses-cool :cool: :glasses-cool: glasses-nerdy :nerd: :nerdy: :glasses-nerdy: good :good: :ok: :fine: handcuffs :handcuffs: highfive :highfive: hug-left :hug-left: :hugleft: hug-right :hug-right: :hugright: island :island: kiss :kiss: :-* lamp :lamp: laugh :laugh: love :love: :heart: love-over :heartbroken: :heart-broken: :brokenheart: :love-over: mail :mail: mobile :mobile: :cell: moon :moon: msn :msn: musical-note :music: :song: :musicalnote: :musical-note: neutral :neutral: :-| party :party: phone :phone: pizza :pizza: plate :plate: present :present: question :question: ?:-) quiet :quiet: rain :rain: rainbow :rainbow: rose :rose: rose-dead :rose-dead: :deadrose: rose-dead :rose-dead: :rosedead: :rosewilt: sad :sad: :unhappy: :nothappy: :depressed: :-( sarcastic :sarcastic: :sarcasm: secret :secret: sheep :sheep: shock :shock: sick :sick: sleepy :sleepy: :ZZZ: smile :smile: :-) snail :snail: soccerball :soccerball: :soccer: star :star: sun :sun: teeth :teeth: :grrr: :teeth: thinking :thinking: :-/ thunder :thunder: tongue :tongue: :razz: :-P turtle :turtle: umbrella :umbrella: vampire :vampire: wink :wink: ;-)

    This WP plugin seems to include a whole slew of nice tango icons...
    I think 202 icons is a few too many, and his icons are actually TOO SMALL for my taste (16x16) but whisper me if you're interested anyhow in the 202 descriptions.
  • Tested this extension in FF3/IE7/Opera9/Safari/Chrome in Windows. It works well everywhere, except IE, where inserting many smilies in a row, repeat-click on the many icons, could at times put the cursor in the wrong place and insert smiley code in existing smiley code (related to loss of focus of the text-area and "smartness").

    Solution: comment-out the code that corrects the cursor position for IE post-insertion and it works as desired.

    Open func.js in /extensions/Smile/
    Find /* correct cursor position */ range = document.selection.createRange(); if (insText.length == 0) { range.move('character', -eTag.length); } else { range.moveStart('character', aTag.length + insText.length + eTag.length); } and change to /* correct cursor position range = document.selection.createRange(); if (insText.length == 0) { range.move('character', -eTag.length); } else { range.moveStart('character', aTag.length + insText.length + eTag.length); }*/
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