
edited March 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help


  • This looks very interesting, do you have an example implementation with formulae we could see?
  • Instance of Vanilla I created this extension for is private, but effect you can see on the screenshot.
    Syntax and rendered images are the same as in Wikipedia.

    Example formula could be: [math]\int{\sin{x^\frac{3}{2}}dx}[/math]
    And effect: image
  • After installing and enabling this extension, posts with the [math][/math] construct result in the following PHP error message:
    Fatal error: Call to undefined function: htmlspecialchars_decode()
    in /.../community/extensions/VanillaTeX/default.php on line 26
    The path to all texvc files is /extensions/VanillaTeX/texvc/texvc. Any ideas?
  • replace htmlspecialchars_decode() with html_entity_decode()?
  • Ah, thanks Vincent. Yeah htmlspecialchars_decode() is only supported by PHP5.1+ and my server's running 4.3. Your fix kills the PHP error message, but the [math] constructs still don't convert to LaTeX images (i.e., "Formula rendering error."). I'll see if I can figure out what's going on.
  • Am I possibly missing things on my server, e.g. dvipng and/or latex? What other dependencies does texvc have?
  • Yes, it has dependencies on dvips, latex and convert (from ImageMagick) (It's in the texvc's README).
    According to README from texvc if you want to have non-ASCII unicode chars you need also cjk-latex package in Debian.
  • Would this basically allow you to embed LaTeX docs in a post? I haven't installed it and tested, but it seems like a neat feature if that is the case.
  • Hi, I have the same problems as aerocapture and would ask you to give a more detailed installation instruction please. I would really aprreciate it.

    Moreover the link to to your(?) site is dead and I´m not sure which files I have to copy from the MediaWiki link.
  • I would also like to see this extension in use but have the same problems as aerocapture and gebbissimo

    Whats happening with this extension? did it die?
  • Like to know is anyone has got this extension working recently. This is a real plus for Vanilla if it was working, and a main reason I would like to use Vanilla on my site.
  • The link to the is not working anymore, alternatively I found:

    But anyway, I'm still getting "Formula rendering error. Correct the formula and try again." (the formula syntax is correct)
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