Yep :)
and for the most part it is a great browser, it is the most memory friendly one I've tried on OSX and one of the fastest without any slowdown over time.
Hmmm. I've tried it on and off over the years. My biggest beef with it now is that it is FUGLY and none of the skins are any nicer (imho). Plus, I don't know that I could leave behind my extentionized Firefox - despite the fact that after being on for a day or two it makes my computer chug.
All that aside, I'll download opera and make sure that a fix is in for the next rev. I added it to the buglist on the wiki under severe.
Sweet, thanks! :)
Well I've had Opera open on the Mac since I downloaded it yesterday afteroon with close to 20 tabs open most of the time and it is yet to slowdown plus it is only using 240.79mb of Virtual RAM and the CPU usage isn't rediculous like it is with FF, so often I see it get stuck at like 50% or higher. On the Mac the skin is fine and on Windows it is bearable so that doesn't really worry me.
I'm running an Opera 9 weekly build, and the bug doesn't happen anymore!
Tested it on my own vanilla (or whatever) forum, so it's not anything in newer devel versions of Vanilla that may or may not be running on here.
Do you know if 8.5 still suffered from this bug? I kind of wish Opera would deliver updates as neatly as FireFox does as they appear to be stepping up numbers rather quickly lately.
lech: updates as frequent as.. weekly builds? That's what they're doing now, during the development of Opera 9.0 ;)
AFAIK based on the posts above (and my own experience) 8.5 doesn't fixed this.
The weekly thing that's going on til the final 9 release is here
Btw 8.54 was released today.
Not to sound like an Opera zealot,but the smartest thing Opera ever did was make it free,which has lead to a bigger community.These are some links
i've collected to keep up to date with Opera "stuff"
Opera Desktop Team
Opera-Beta Testing
Opera Bits
Opera Labs
Opera Watch
I still love Firefox and it will always be on my machine,but i highly recommend
giving Opera a fair shake,try your hardest to use it exclusively for month.If
you tweak the interface,just a little, imho you might be surprised how you'll
adapt,that being said it does need more people to tweak it,it's very hard
for people to leave Firefox's extensions behind.
Well, I guess what I meant was the fact that when it went "free" a few months ago, it's jumped from 8 -> 8.01 -> 8.5 -> 8.51 in a matter of only a few months. Not that I don't mind updates, it's just that I hate having to uninstall/reinstall in order to update the application to the latest release. That's why I mention that I wish they had the same kind of update method FF uses to fix core features without having to do the install dance. I use Opera mainly for testing, I don't enjoy the interface too much even though it's fairly rich with features there's still some annoyances I tend to find with it.
Sweet, good to hear that Opera fixed it in their latest builds.
Mark and team: are you still going to worry about fixing it as a "Vanilla bug" or just direct Opera users to the latest build?
I'm tempted but too busy/lazy to install opera 9 yet to see all the changes. However with the addition of it supporting torrents, the incentive is there.
:D-\-< Uninstall :D-|-< Reinstall :D-/-< Curse the Opera developers.
>:O-/-< Curse the Opera developers.