
edited April 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help


  • A future version will give you a toggle that will allow you to turn off the Discussions display, effectively turning your Discussions page into your Categories page, which in combination with PageMng could be very helpful in making your Categories page the default page.
  • I see I have a bug with the display of the number of discussions in each category. I will upload a fix shortly.
  • Nice script :P
    It worked very well for my BUT, as you said in your post, it shows 0 discussions for categories in my forum index..
  • Yes awesome script :)
    I am having the same bug problem - looking fwd to the fix. Also of note is that clicking the Category title link takes you back to the page you are already on, i.e. discussions w/ header. Any insight as to what I may be overlooking?

    Thanks in advance!
    Dr. W
  • I use the Discussion Overview extension which does a great job and displays the correct DiscussionCount. If you activate both extensions, only the Discussion Overview extension will work. Just an FYI.
  • Thanks, I'll install Discussion Overview and see what the conflict is.

    Sorry for the delay in the update, I haven't forgotten about this.
  • To fix the discussion counters replace the line22: $CategoryData = $CategoryManager->GetCategories(0, 1); with $CategoryData = $CategoryManager->GetCategories(1); Further i have edited my version to be compatible with the tabled theme. And called it "DiscussionHeadingTabled" if it is OK with you i like to add this to your extention as a branch.
  • Use $Context->SetDefinition instead $Context->Dictionary and be hero.
  • Sheesh, give it up mate or whisper the authors.

    I'll translate that into an insult if you like!
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