


  • This version adds a check for PEAR and the include file for the missing functions.
  • Hi, I have the same error Fatal error: Call to undefined function: getdynamicradio() in /home/jsefipao/public_html/foro/extensions/zip2mail/default.php on line 300 I'm using statistics plugins, so I tried commenting the line include("Framework.Functions.php"); but I still get the error. So, could you help me with this problem? Thank you!
  • I'll be uploading a new version shortly. I forgot to change the function call. Sorry.
  • Uploaded version 1.0.5 of zip2mail.
  • Thank you Jim, now the plugin is working fine. But, could you please explain me how configure this plugin to send an email with the backup once time each day? Because every time I do a database backup all I get is a file to download to my computer... Thank you again.
  • I sort of eliminated the email option since downloading the file seemed simpler. However, I will look into opening up the email option again. The sql backup could be emailed becuase it is small. The extensions and themes backup really can't as the zip file is large. Is that what you were thinking, just for the sql backup?
  • As a side thought - i wonder if you could tie into a delegate on the app settings classes to prompt users to make a new backup when application settings were changed? (I guess you could include the conf folder in the email too anyway since that is only small)
  • @Mini - that's a good idea. I'll look into that/
  • Yes Jim, I just need the mysql backup, and nothing else. But beside it, I'd like to schedule the backup: each day, every any day, 1 week, 1 month. Thank you.
  • To email your mysql backup now, edit line 103 in the default.php file and change "no" to "yes". I'm working on adding a switch for emailing every "x number of days". If I add a switch to determine if the settings have changed, I think I will make another option for "settings" unless I can work it easily into the mysql backup.
  • Thank you Jim, but this option just send me an email when something was wrong (as say the comment in the code). And I want an email with the backup attached every certain number of days. Argie01
  • The error indicates a problem with the directory in which the backups will be made. It needs to be writable. Check the zip2mail directory and make sure it is 755.
  • Sorry, I don't explain well what happens with the line 103 :) There is not problem at all. I'm only just telling that this option send an email when something was wrong, and I don't want it. I want an email with the attached backup, and I don't need an email when something was wrong. Regards.
  • Changing that setting will not only send you an email when there is a problem, but also an email with your backup. Please look further down in the code around line 200.
  • But when this will send me the email with the attachment? Because I understand there isn't a way to do a backup automatically, and instead I have to click on the button backup to do it, and in this case I get a file to download. I'm missing something?... Thank you! Argie
  • Please wait for the next release. Thank you.
  • Ok, thank you for your efforts, and sorry for so many messages here :)
  • Any reason that line 69 in the default.php can't be this: $Head->AddStyleSheet('extensions/zip2mail/style.css');
    Only I'd rather not have my whole server path showing for a style sheet ;)
  • I have changed that in a new version I'm working on.
    $Configuration["ZIP2MAIL_PATH"] = '/extensions/zip2mail/'; $Head->AddStyleSheet($Context->Configuration["ZIP2MAIL_PATH"]."style.css");
  • Funnily enough, the code you used, I've also used in some extensions. It actually makes things longer unless you need that path in a lot of places...

    How about these suggestions?

    Line 36:$Context->Dictionary['BackupNotes'] = 'Select the type of backup you would like to create. The backup will be emailed to you at ' . $Context->Configuration['SUPPORT_EMAIL']; $Context->Dictionary['BuildBackup'] = 'Create Backup';
    Line 40:$Context->Dictionary['TypeBackupNotes'] = 'Backup type:';
    Line 42:$Context->Dictionary['Backup_Basename'] = 'vanilla-backup';
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