this is what i have been talking about
good job
so far everything is aweseome except fo one thing which i think is a styliung issue
the profile pic comes out to be hte same size as the icon/avatar 32 by 32
can you fix that
ok i fixed it
i just took out everything that said picture in it
i duno if that was the right thing to do
but it has worked so far
i believe there are some styling issues for firefox
add this feature to yout addon
make it so the admin can say how many icons show up per page
like when the admin can select the icons to be 32 by 32
or the maximum size
like that
did i sound confusing?
This is really cute. One thing that I've run into though is that there's initially no radio button selected, which for me causes an error the page is updated. I'd initially check the 'no avatar' by default. But apart from that, I agree, this is awesome!
Hey, I am happy you like the addon. It provides just the function I personally missed in Vanilla.
Hamed, thank you for your feedback so far, I will try to look into all of it.
the profile pic comes out to be hte same size as the icon/avatar 32 by 32 can you fix that
You can specify the size of the avatars. There is no distinction between the avatar you see near comments and the picture in the profile. The uploaded file is not resized in any way. Therefore both pictures show at the same size.
add this feature to yout addon make it so the admin can say how many icons show up per page like when the admin can select the icons to be 32 by 32 or the maximum size like that
Do you mean you have so many avatars that you want them to show up on multiple pages? It never occured to me that this could be a problem. I might look into.
i believe there are some styling issues for firefox
Can you please try to explain this in detail, possibly with a screenshot?
do i make groups writable for custum avatars or others?
I'm afraid I don't understand the question.
One thing that I've run into though is that there's initially no radio button selected, which for me causes an error the page is updated. I'd initially check the 'no avatar' by default.
i will have to get a screen capture of the photo pic later,(by reverting to how the default.php file was) cuz i edited your default.php and fixed it but i am not sure if i did it right
I cannot get anything to work. I install the plugin and activate it, and its options show up on my settings panel. However when I go to my user account or the test account I created I see nothing.
Is there away to change the page width. Have it were members can pick a 100x100 avatars and it would be nice to have more then just 3 colums. Thanks! This is a great add-on by the way!!
I would like to give my members the option of selecting an avatar from a list but not to upload their own.
and it does not need another addon
it is a stand alone addon
which is awesome!!!
the only thing so far is that it has firefox issuse (well i have them) and the profile pic issue i mentioned in my oboe post
do i make groups writable for custum avatars or others?
thanks in advance
Hamed, thank you for your feedback so far, I will try to look into all of it. You can specify the size of the avatars. There is no distinction between the avatar you see near comments and the picture in the profile. The uploaded file is not resized in any way. Therefore both pictures show at the same size. Do you mean you have so many avatars that you want them to show up on multiple pages? It never occured to me that this could be a problem. I might look into. Can you please try to explain this in detail, possibly with a screenshot? I'm afraid I don't understand the question. Good catch. I will do something about this soon.
that is the styling issue---
i will have to get a screen capture of the photo pic later,(by reverting to how the default.php file was) cuz i edited your default.php and fixed it
but i am not sure if i did it right
I set it to zero and it leaves the Account Picture size alone.
Another reason the readme file needs to be more precise and people should read the readme!
Set these to checked for your members, administrators and any other roles you want...