


  • The release 0.2.2 should contain the fixes I'm mentioned in this thread (and, no doubt, a bunch more bugs to be reported). Have fun, and don't forget to include as much information as you can to help me pinpoint the source of any bugs.
  • Ok judgej,

    The update fixed the error problem I was having above and now the info I had already defined displays properly but when I try to edit the information I am getting an "Undefined variable:" error and "Trying to get property of non-object error" both in line 262 of account.php. So it appears there is a problem there but I am so new to all this I can't see what is wrong with that line.

    Glad to see that I am going to be using this for the same purpose that you originally intended. Looks like a great addition for our membership information.

  • If this is the line:

    . GetUrl($Context->Configuration, 'account.php', '', '', '', '',

    Try changing it to:

    . GetUrl($this->Context->Configuration, 'account.php', '', '', '', '',

    If that works, I'll make the fix this end.

    I suspect I have some server settings that are suppressing the errors other people are seeing. I'll try to fix that before the next release.
  • Oh Yeah!

    That fixed it! I have placed it in use and will start collecting data from users. Will let you know if I find anything else but right now it is working with the information I plan to collect.


  • Just started playing around with PageManager. Is the support for a tab for UserFields something that you have to build in or is it just something I haven't figure out how to add to PageManager yet?

  • That's a good question. If there is anything special I need to add to get PageManager support, then I'll add it (let me know if you find anything).

    Another module I would like to provide support for is Mulitroles (something - along with hierarchical comments) that I believe should be built into the core, because proper support for it has implications in other modules. Binding a module to the core is one thing, but I'm always uncomfortable binding one module to another through functionality that may change.

    -- Jason
  • I installed Memberslist in PageManager and it installed the following in the tab url field of PageManager-- ""-- so it appears that something must be supported by the author of the plugin because I didn't add it manually.

    Would be nice to have the UserFields available on a Page Manager tab but I am not certain how much work that would be. I am new to all this so I maybe missing something but that is all I have found thus far. PageManager has its own options to display or hide the tab depending on role so this would be a duplication of how you handle access to your UserField data. This may be too much of a rewrite than it is worth. Again, I am new to all this. I am using it as is now and so far it is working fine.

  • A long time ago, I made an extension called IDShare. This was back when the Nintendo DS was relatively new. All the users on my forum were creating separate threads for each and every game that came out in order to share friend codes. They were also creating threads to share usernames for Facebook,MySpace,XBox,etc.

    The idea of IDShare was that users would be able to set all these things in their profiles, and then there would be an extra tab in the forum that would allow people to, for example, see the Digg usernames of everyone in the forum on one page. I have it still running on my forum, even though I have not updated it in a very long time. I have never officially released it because while it is stable and fast, it is not user friendly at all. The only way to add more fields is to modify the configuration in the extension's default.php. Also, users have to "just know" to set their information in their profiles to the correct tags.

    Looking at your extension, I think the solution is a combination. I have gotten inspired to start working right away. I think UserFields can provide the user friendliness that IDShare was lacking.

    There is just one thing that I think we need, and that is some way to group fields into categories. If there are too many fields, the interface can be very cluttered. By grouping fields together into groups, e.g: social networks, video games, etc. it can be really clean and slick.
  • Apreche,

    I am using the group setting in the UserField Manage User Fields and then grouping the different fields under that group. The format I think is "GroupName | Info name. Like "Personal Information | Birthday" and then just keep adding different fields like "Personal Information | Location", etc. This groups them all under the tab "Personal Inforamtion".

  • Grouping fields into categories is already built in :-)

    Just put the category in front of the field name, separating it using a bar '|'. The category then becomes a CSS tab in the screen that shows the field values. You can have as many such categories or tabs as you like. In theory they could be nested, e.g. Games|Platform|My Cheat Codes, but that is still a TODO.

    -- Jason
  • There is no search built in yet, but in essence it should not be difficult to do. It requires checking the privileges to see which fields the current logged in user is allowed to look at, then adding an outer-join to the user search looking at just those fields. I have been careful to avoid putting data into the fields as serialized PHP structures, so that searching (when it is implemented) will be easier.

    You can extend the field types by writing new classes for them. For example, you may want a drop-down list of games, followed by a field for a cheat code, and another field for some notes. That can all be done fairly easily. The field types list is hard-coded at the moment, but another TODO is in there to drive that from some kind of metadata that can be configured, perhaps in the same way as the module metadata works now, but placing it into comments.

    -- Jason
  • Another thing - if there are any user field definitions that you write, or would like included, just send them on to me and I'll attempt to add them.

    -- Jason
  • Uploaded version 0.2.3 of UserFields.
  • New version includes some minor bugfixes and a new field type: ticklist. The 'ticklist' field type supports a list of checkboxes or radio buttons. Example options for a radio button list to select a single colour:

    item=red:The Colour Red
    item=green:The Colour Green
    item=blue:The Colour Blue

    Play around with multiselect (0 or 1) and mandatory (0 or 1) to switch the list between checkboxes and radio buttons, with and without the 'none of the above' option.

    1. forgot to put IDs on the labels, so the labels are not clickable in IE
    2. Would like to support validating against a minimum and maximum number of selected items, e.g. tick at least N, but no more than M
    3. Along with other field types, the default value is not properly supported. The default needs to be presented when the user first goes in to edit a field.
  • I recieve a corrupt archive message when I try to open this archive
  • GunDeck - try downloading again. It was probably your connection that broke off too early. I've downloaded the archive and it opens fine with WinZip.

    -- Jason
  • SheilaSheila ✭✭

    I'm also getting the error: Err create userfield config

    and am kinda stuck about what to do. Database tables are installed but empty.
    Sould the be some configuration section with admin rights? Admin right are set to allow editing user fields. Nothing to edit just exists.

    Help highly appreciated
  • Sheila,

    Did you every get your problem solved?
  • I unactivated and uninstalled UserFields and suddenly my forum is crashing
    Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening '/home/a3076355/public_html/extensions/UserFields/default.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/a3076355/public_html/conf/extensions.php on line 7
  • I've fixed added some translation code to the extension, how can I send it to you ?
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