Wrong folder

edited August 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Hello, the links to the smileys are wrong, when you have the forum in a subfolder.
Esp. I have my Vanilla in http://www.domain.com/forum and it wants to display the smileys from here: http://www.domain.com/plugins/Emoticons/images/smile.gif not from http://www.domain.com/forum/plugins/Emoticons/images/smile.gif ...
Where do I have to change, to use the subfolder???


  • Hi Boombatze,

    Strange, schouldn't be a problem. But try to open the file ~/Emoticons/default.php on look for line 227. There is an [img]-Tag with adressation.

    Try to put your direct URL inside as a workyaround.
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    • VanillaSkins | Plugins, Themes, Graphics and Custom Development for Vanilla
  • instead of
    // return ' '.$EmoticonMasked.' ';
    // return ' '.$EmoticonMasked.' ';

  • try "(Path_Plugins) .DS. Emoticons .DS. images .DS. $img"
  • no doesn´t work ...
  • the plugin uses Gdn::Config('Garden.WebRoot') which doesn't seem to be available per default install.

    Adding the following line to your /conf/config.php might help:
    $Configuration['Garden']['WebRoot'] = 'forums/';
    (assuming "forums" is the (sub-)directory your vanilla is installed in)
  • @emkay that worked, thanks for the tip
  • TimTim Vanilla Staff
    We actually prefer that you using the built-in plugin convenience functions when building internal URLs. For an image to be served on the page, try:

    $ImgPath = $this->GetWebResource('images/'.$Img);

    Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter, About.me]

  • @Boombatze @phreak @zodiacdm @emkay @Raize
    I fixed the Plugin by following the standards as described by @Tim. Either I missed that when making the initial release, or this feature has not been there then ;-)

    Anyway, it works now with the latest release of Vanilla (2.0.16) - probably even some older releases...:
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