Plugin Enabled--Can't Authenticate



  • TimTim Vanilla Staff
    If you're using WordPress and ProxyConnect together... why are you even messing around with the database directly?

    Enable ProxyConnect, then enable the Wordpress plugin in Wordpress itself. Click on "ProxyConnect" in the Wordpress dashboard. On the screen you'll see some URLs. It tells you directly on that screen to copy those values into the Vanilla ProxyConnect plugin, into the fields marked with corresponding names (which you listed earlier).

    Have you done that... ?

    Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]

  • How can anyone do that when we're unable to access the settings in Vanilla ProxyConnect plugin.. All people are getting is the animated icons:
  • TimTim Vanilla Staff
    Alright try this.

    Find the file /js/slice.js and open it in a text editor. Go to line 95 which should be:
    var SliceURL = gdn.combinePaths(gdn.definition('WebRoot'),this.SliceURL); and changed it to:
    var SliceURL = gdn.url(this.SliceURL);

    Then go to line 108 which should be:
    var SliceURL = gdn.combinePaths(gdn.definition('WebRoot'),this.SliceURL); and change it to:
    var SliceURL = gdn.url(this.SliceURL);

    Thank should fix that particular problem.

    Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]

  • edited September 2010
    Confirmed. That brought up the configuration thank you...

    Still can't sign out in Vanilla.. and when you log out of Wordpress you are still logged in Vanilla..
  • am I missing something here with the logout system?
  • TimTim Vanilla Staff
    Did you click the "Save >>" button in the Wordpress addon, in order to set the cookie domain to one compatible with Vanilla?

    Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]

  • edited September 2010
    Tim are you available for paid support? Like, you login and fix all this? I need to launch the website asap. Please shoot me an email or PM.

    Yes I did click Save.

    Also, this is on the vanilla home page, which now I am no longer an administrator in:

    Seems I cant paste html, or it wont show unless you edit this post..
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