Internet Explorer 6/7 support

edited September 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Hi Tim and the Gang. Thanks for the addon, apologies if this has already been mentioned.

Does this addon support IE 6/7 or is it planned?

In my testing, the following happens in IE 7:
- I click "Browse" and navigate to the file on my filesystem, then click "Open".
- A popup window immediately opens, that shows the JSON response below.
- The file is never uploaded

This is the JSON that appears in the popup window:

{"MediaResponse":{"Status":"failed","ErrorCode":10,"Filename":"???","StrError":"The uploaded file was too big (max 20M)"},"FormSaved":true,"DeliveryType":"VIEW","Data":"","StatusMessage":"","RedirectUrl":""}

I found this question that relates to a similar iframe bug in IE:



  • TimTim Vanilla Staff
    If IE has trouble with dynamic IFrames, FileUpload will likely never work for it. The alternative is single file uploading... and I kind of don't want to go there :(

    I'll look into it when I revisit FileUpload next week.

    Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]

  • Who cares about Internet Explorer.
  • Who cares about Internet Explorer.
    Latest IE versions are slowly adopting web standards, sometime in the future we won't have to worry about it anymore.
    Many websites stopped supporting IE6 including youtube.
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