[Plugin Utils Addon] What useful functions does this add?

ithcyithcy New
edited February 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
There doesn't seem to be a listing of what functions this plugin actually provides.


  • SS ✭✭
    @ithcy Are you PHP/Vanilla Plugin/Application developer?
    If yes, you can find it in PluginUtils/library/* groupped by category-file.

    What you expect from plugin with name "Plugin Utils"? Maybe this name confuse you?
  • ithcyithcy New
    edited September 2010
    Haha. My point is, a list of what utilities are provided by the plugin would be a good thing to have on, say, the plugin page, in the description, where people can read about it without having to download the plugin, extract it, look through the subdirectories and try to figure out what parts of what APIs you bring in. OK?
  • SS ✭✭
    edited September 2010
    Could you say exactly what is the problem? I dont understand.
  • I agree with ithcy.
  • So do I.
  • @S its always a good idea when creating a plugin to list the features it provides. for example your plugin utils should list that it provides functions to help with, debugging, file access, network and other usefull features.

    Stating that it is plugin utils is not that helpful as there could be 10 other plugins that provide similar functionality or different functionality under a similar name.
  • fail
  • SS ✭✭
  • I still don't really understand. What does this plugin do?
  • SS ✭✭
    edited October 2010
    @matt531320 Nothing! As standalone.
    This plugin is used by other plugins and applications, using specific functions which doesn't exists in Garden core.
  • Oh ok, now I understand :)
  • DavyBDavyB New
    edited November 2010
    Nothing! As standalone.
    This plugin is used by other plugins and applications, using specific functions which doesn't exists in Garden core.
    Document the APIs you DOLT - all you have to do is list the functions/API's

    No Documentation - MEGA FAIL - any QA would reject this OUTRIGHT

    SCORE to date 0 out of 10!!!

    (edited below November 6)
    @S - cryptic descriptions and/or No documentation do not help others work with you or your packages !!!
    - as a manager I once gave a programmer an instruction to buck up his ideas and within a month the annual performance reviews were due. He got the lowest score in the history of the company. He got snotty about this, so got a written warning for this reaction (3 written warnings - strikeout/the boot/P45/pink slip) He simply was not a team player and all members of the department had extreme difficulty interfacing with him and his packages. He left 2 months later to go contracting and got kicked from his first contract after 8 weeks, tried to come back and was told NO! We refused him a written reference or gave him a "do not touch" for a phoned reference. Last we heard of him he was stacking shelves.
  • Thanks S, will take a look
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