Soul-Scape Theme

edited February 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Taking after all these other theme creating discussions, who wants to see mine?

Download Today!
v1.03 for 0.9.2 and v1.0 for 0.9.3

I created it specifically for my forum on so it shares the same header-thing as the rest of my site.

It's not much of a change I know, because the bottom of the theme is almost completely identical to Vanilla's default.

Changes include:
  • Some nice tabs
  • A nice big New Discussion button.
  • More obviously hidden categories on the categories page.
  • A permanently off text-only box.
  • Different code and blockquote boxes.
Any critique would be welcomed!


  • I've bookmarked this so I can check it when I get home.
  • that's mighty spiffy :)
  • Oh man, that's tasty. I really like this.

    Some great little touches.
  • This theme is bad ass.
  • BenBen
    edited October 2005
    Thanks guys :D

    Hey this discussion is the 1000th discussion on Lussumo. (Look at the address)
  • It is awesome! Could you zip it for us to download? Love it.
  • I'm torn. Although I know it would be nice to know I contributed something, it was made specifically for our site, and it looks almost identical.

    I don't really want lots of forums floating around the net looking like our actual site...
  • To be realistic, the amount of forums on the net that actually use Vanilla is very small. The Web is a very big place.
  • Ahhh, I see. Found a lil bug or irregularity.. Click on "Account" and look on the left side.. there are two lines...
  • Ok... fixed now. Have a nice refresh and it should all be better.
  • Yup, it works. Again, nicely done Ben. Cheers!
  • I've decided I will open this up for download, so I'll just neatly repackage everything, and fix the little bugs.
  • That is an excellent news! I look forward to it, I will certainly be using it.
  • Bless you.
  • BenBen
    edited October 2005
    It's now up for download, hope you like it!
    If you can't find it, look up at the top!

    If anyone has any critique, I'd love to hear it! Thanks!
  • THe Zip file is emty?!
  • Oh dear... I'll have to fix that tomorrow, sorry guys.
  • Just right click and save as on the files. It'll take about a minute at most.
  • this is really nice

    thanks for sharing the files
  • BenBen
    edited October 2005
    Ok, the download is fixed, there's a nice download counter, and I added in a Red theme as well.

    As always, critique is good. Any extra tidbits people would like to see?
This discussion has been closed.