Simple PHP question for someone :-)

edited December 2010 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hi all... two things.

Firstly... I'm using Vanilla 1.1.10

1) I've been using fckEditor extension and I want to use something else (as it isn't working across browsers) but when I turn it off the data comes back to the page with all the html tags <p> etc - rather than formatted. How can I change this? Please say it isn't find+replace on the db!? :S

2) I'm wanting to add a PHP string replace when the data comes back from the db - I'm wanting to replace youtube URLs with embed code and a couple of other things... Where can I put this? I'm not sure what functions the code goes through on its way to the page (apologies for my poor terminology!)

Thanks in advance...
Rob :)


  • @RobChe:
    1) Install and enable the HTML Formatter extension, hopefully that will work.
    2) Within the HTML Formatter extension there is an array called Html_VideoLinks, you can modify that for your needs.
  • Hey SunJunk - thank for the quick response.

    Thanks very much for this - I've found the whitelist etc in HTML formatter so I will have a play and see if I can add my code.

    Seems like I can run my other functions through this file as well to keep it nice and compact... awesome!

    Thanks again
  • @RobChe: Awesome! By the way if you want to try the now-abandoned 1.2 beta you can get it at
    If you find bugs or want support you can post on that blog
  • Thanks SubJunk!
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