Category Headings

edited February 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
I've set my main level categories to show up as nonhyperlinked headings but when any user goes to the create a discussion page, the category that acts as a header is selectable when it shouldn't be. Is this normal?

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  • edited January 2011
    @Mark: I've been messing around with the custom permission settings and it still allows members to create discussions in forums that act as category headers.

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  • I'd lke to solve this problem too - it's a real pain.
  • Good to know that you agree with me. I wonder what the solutions to this problem may be.

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  • @shadowdare I didn't notice that problem so I'm glad you pointed it out, but the linking issue also comes up when viewing the topic titles within the category page. The first breadcrumb (the "header" name) is a link to an empty category.

    I couldn't figure out how to deactivate the link itself but my workaround for this was to simply style that category like the other non-selectable text. It doesn't fix the problem, but it makes it look less like a link so it solves the psychological problem of clicking on it as the user explores. Kind of like sweeping the dirt under the rug...;)

    See here:

  • It does work. Super Administrators can post in any forum regardless of any custom permissions. To do this goto Dashboard -> Forum: Categories -> Tick "Display root categories as headings." -> "Place nested categories in a comma-delimited list when they are" more than two levels deep works best. Then drag and drop the forums you want under the root category and set the permissions for that category for all roles. If you create a Test account and put it in a Member role you should see it works fine.
  • Interesting. It doesn't seem to work unless the subcategories have custom permissions.

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  • I asked the same question here, not realizing this was already asked.

    It seems @Donutman is right in that if you have custom permissions set up for the root categories, members cannot post to them. However, they also don't show up at all under the category drop down, which can make it difficult to find the correct category in a long list, as they are all the same level (in my case).

    The ideal solution for me would be adding a disabled="disabled" attribute to the option tag for root categories when the Headings option is selected. This way they'd still show up for organizational purposes when starting a new discussion, but couldn't be selected.
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