Can I Disable Parent Category selection in Start New Discussion?

conigsconigs New
edited February 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Just updated to 2.0.17. Loving the new category setup, but there's one problem. I have parent categories that should have no discussions directly in them. For browsing this isn't an issue since I can check "Display Root Categories as Headings." However, if a user starts a new discussion, they can select those root/parent categories.

I really don't want users to accidentally add discussions to those parent categories. Is there a way to prevent them from being selected in the category drop down?


  • Seems like this should be possible if the DropDown call in /applications/vanilla/views/post/discussions.php would pass along a root category with disabled="disabled" as an attribute to the <select> tag, if "Display Root Categories as Headings" is checked.

    Anyone? Is this possible? Or will I have to continually police these root categories and move discussions to appropriate areas as necessary?
  • edited February 2011
    Been suggested but it seems that no one wants to do anything about it.

    It doesn't seem logical to put a disabled attribute to the <select> tag, but only for each item with <option disabled="disabled"> and maybe make that line bold as well.

    Add Pages to Vanilla with the Basic Pages app

  • I did mean option, not select. Thanks for catching that.
  • Try setting the permissions so that users can't create in those areas?
  • @ffunnyman I tried that. It disallows posting to those categories, but since they don't show up at all in that dropdown, the category list can get pretty messy with everything at the same level. It can make it hard to find the category you're looking for. For now, though, it seems like it's all I can do.
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