[Solved]About Me Addon : CSS not working in version 2.17.3 above?*

AoleeAolee ✭✭
edited February 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
hi guys,

is it just my forum?

im using the default theme, but after i did the upgrade to 2.17.3

the About Me page became a plain text?

please see one of the members here



  • can't seem to get it to work with either... any plans on updating it?
  • edited February 2011
    Here is full solution:


    $Sender->AddCssFile('/plugins/AboutMe/design/am.default_theme.css'); // change this to use a different css stylesheet i.e. from am.default_theme.css to am.realgamerstheme.css }


    // $Sender->AddCssFile('/plugins/AboutMe/design/am.default_theme.css'); // change this to use a different css stylesheet i.e. from am.default_theme.css to am.realgamerstheme.css } public function ProfileController_Render_Before($Sender) { $Sender->AddCSSFile('am.default_theme.css', 'plugins/AboutMe'); }

    For me it works perfect.
  • Thanks so much!!! working perfect now!

  • Isn't a fix for me. Any other ideas? A new release?

  • can't see any "about me" page.
  • not working for me either :(
  • horia_mhoria_m New
    edited March 2011
    I am using "About Me" with Vanilla and it does not work at all. This means, I do not see any tab with "about me" at the user's profile page.

    I use Vanilla and the Vanilapress 2010 1.0 theme.
  • edited March 2011
    I'll post updated plugin today or tomorrow.
  • Cool. Thanks for posting with the fix. Any idea how to make it show with the standard "About" widget in the sidebar like on the standard profile page?
  • thanks a lot, tester13 ! Great, that you had time to update this very useful plugin.
    Now everything works like a breeze!
    (my installation: Vanilla with Vanillapress 2010 1.0 theme)
  • You can get it here - http://www.vanilla-wiki.info/Plugins/AboutMe
    Still not working for me... There is no "About Me" tab... :(
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