I too can't get the Sitemaps Addon to generate a sitemap

edited March 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Seems strange that this is in an 'Approved' state when apparently it doesn't work. Is it working for anyone?


  • Nope - I don't see the sitemap being generated
    Also curious about how it will work with the embed friendly display (when it is working)
  • Nope its pretty lousy.
  • Works as well as a parachute made of turtles. In other words: not at all.
  • edited March 2011
    @Pixelnated *if* it worked, shouldn't be an issue for embedding or the embed friendly theme.

    The reason is the sitemap isn't meant to be displayed *and* if for the embed Vanilla Addon you select the "Force your forum to be viewed through the Remote Url" links discovered by the sitemap will be forced into your outer site.
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