Vanilla 1.1.10 -->FCKeditor disappears when using IE9

usr50usr50 New
edited February 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Has anyone else experienced this and is there a work around for this?
browser IE9
PHP 5.2.14
MySQL 5.0.77
*note works correctly with IE8*


  • and the answer is:
    'use compatabiltity view '
  • lucluc ✭✭
    edited February 2011
    As long as IE not released properly, no need to burden website developpers with those kind of things, as it could well just be a bug in IE9.
  • what? you're kidding me right? having a bad day are we? LOL
  • lucluc ✭✭
    edited February 2011
    All the betas and rc of chrome/ff/safari regularly show issues, and people come complaining that it doesn't display things properly, and once it's released, it works fine.
    Time is a rare commodity.

    Sure, if it's your own product you sell, you follow what's going on, otherwise, it might just be a good idea to sit on it for a while.
  • alrighty then Luc.
  • Also, FCKeditor is now pretty old, so I would advise moving over to CKeditor if you can.

    CKeditor 3.5.2 was released in response to the IE9 RC that was released on February 10th.
  • Sir Stash--> thanks kindly. was looking at the new 'ck' plus I'm readying my chaos laden site for the new Vanilla sometime soon. A clean install sounds best.
  • usr50usr50 New
    edited March 2011
    My host suffered database attacks on shared clustered boxes. I'm experiencing ups and downs of late on 4 databases t'was flawless for years
  • IIRC my old jQuery plugin for v1 had ckeditor in it. I've not looked at it in over a year though... v2 should import your v1 data just fine though. Good luck :)
  • I did look at the upgrade way of going to version 2.
    So version 1...' is or will no longer be supported ?
  • Version 1 has been released to the community, so it's up to us if we ever want to see a new release... The Vanilla guys are focusing their energies on V2.
  • usr50usr50 New
    edited March 2011
    Ok - so Version 1.*** it's a seperate nebula.
    where does HTML5 fit into this?
    I recently moved the vast majority of my site to HTML5
    it does have great styling advantages.
    93% of visitors to my site use IE and are from around the world.
    One forum I subscribe to is SlideShowPro. for Photogs and those who like flash.
    and my site is populated with html5 embed code. and SWF object. etc.
    * any Further comments I will move to new topic*

  • HTML5 fits into it just fine when you submit your HTML5 theme for Vanilla 1 :)
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