Soul-Scape Theme



  • I havn't tested it yet, but it looks really nice. Great work Ben. I can't think of anything to add/ change at this point (remember. I havn't actually used it), but I will be sure to add my 2 cents when I give it a shot. Thanks Ben.
  • ben: if i were you, id carry that blue/red theme right throughout the style, ie make the thread colours blue and light blue or whatever way it takes your fancy. i think it just looks a bit odd to have this nice blue header but then yellow threads
  • Awesome Ben! Yes, I agree with nag... a nice touch would be to further match Soul-Scape theme colors into Vanilla. Do that and you would have accomplished the bes theme so far.
  • I dig your theme - nice and streamlined keeping with the Vanilla logic. One small thing, you didn't theme the bug report - so whatever text you have above it bleeds in to your header background image. No biggie, I changed it - Just FYI. Thanks for sharing this.
  • Ahh.. whoops..
    This is the wonder of community! I'll just go over here and fix that....
  • I just wanted to add my thanks for this style. I keep getting compliments on it and I have to keep telling everyone it isn't mine!
  • BenBen
    edited October 2005
    :D Thanks!

    I think I've found another bug though. In an open forum, like yours, when the user isn't logged in, the tabs appear too far down.

    I tried to replicate this on my own forum, but It works fine for me.

    I also used the ever-handy web developer extension for firefox to swap the CSS you're using with my current version and that seemed to fix the problem.

    I'll just update the download, and then you can try that out and see if it fixes anything.

    You've added a
    to the tab code, this is pushing them over the edge of the whitespace.

    Try replacing that section with this.
    .TabOn, .TabOn:link, .TabOn:visited, .TabOn:hover, .TabOff, .TabOff:link, .TabOff:visited, .TabOff:hover { position: relative; padding: 8px 25px 8px 25px; padding-top: 2px; font-size: 11px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; }
    That will produce those slightly widened tabs, and not infringe the whitespace,
  • I suspect this is a Win IE issue. My modification makes it look correct in all the browsers I checked (safari, mac ie, camino/FF). I'm not terribly interested in win ie users (as you probably notice from my main page) so this works for me, but if you find a way to make it work for everyone (even those lame win ie people) I would be interested.
  • Well I'm using Firefox, and it appeared odd for me.
  • Thats rather odd. I've checked in FF1.5b, camino1.0a, safari 2.0.1, and mac ie 5.2 and all of them require the top: 7px to look correct. I don't have a windows pc available to check.
  • I'm using FF1.0.7 on Windows XP
  • thats really bizarre. Firefox should be the same regardless of platform. But when I don't see any problems with either FF 1.0.7 or FF 1.5b.
  • Confirming the bug. FF 1.5b2 on Windows XP... looks weird.
  • edited October 2005
    I don't quite understand how FF on mac could render a site differently than FF on windows, but that seems to be the case. Since my users are nearly all mac or linux users I'm not too concerned about windows rendering issues, but just the pure oddity of the situation does make me want o track it down. Can someone investigate this with FF on linux?
  • aww you removed it?
  • Nooo!!! Best theme ever. Must have it back!!!
  • BenBen
    edited November 2005
    The theme hasn't been removed, we're just having a few little problems with our domain name.

    All fixed now.
  • This really is the most beautiful theme available for Vanilla. It is also very, flexible and easy to customize. thank you!
  • Thank you, I'll be using it but slightly modified if you don't have anything against it. Your copyright remains intact because I respect your work! :)
  • Iam having some problems with Opera - the tabs are too far down :( I noticed doesn't have this - can someone please tell me the fix? I don't want to go through the file to find out what has changed. Thanks! :)
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